Center for Hydrogen Energy Technologies (18)

Laboratory Head
Šarūnas Varnagiris

Tel: +370 37 401824

Breslaujos g. 3, LT-44403 Kaunas, Lithuania

Vandenilio energetikos technologijų centras


  • research in the field of hydrogen energy technologies
  • synthesis of hydrogen separation membranes and analysis of their properties;
  • hydrogen production using water reactions with metals and nanoparticles of their alloys
  • synthesis of metals and their alloy hydrides designed for hydrogen storage; analysis of their properties;
  • synthesis of hydrogen fuel cell elements (anodes / electrolytes / cathodes) applying physical vapour deposition methods;
  • analysis of NiMH battery electrode material properties.

Services provided


Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies provides comprehensive sample analysis and structural characterisation services.

  • Sample topology (SEM, optical microscopy, AFM and stylus profilometry).
  • Crystal structure analysis at room and elevated temperatures (in-situ XRD in vacuum or selected gas environment with temperatures up to 1500 °C).
  • Elemental and chemical composition analysis starting from the very top surface atomic monolayers (AES, XPS), through micrometre (EDS) and up to millimetre scale (GDS).
  • More specialised characterisation such as ionic-electronic conductivity, gas sorption kinetics and thermodynamics, precise N2, O2 and H2 amount measurements in metals, surface (micro)hardness and others.

Thin film synthesis

  • Films of various metals, semi­conductors, oxides, hydrides and other materials can be made by 3” and 4” magnetrons as well as E-beam evaporation processes in inert and reactive gas atmospheres.
  • RF, DC and pulsed-DC power sources are available.

Plasma processing

  • Low temperature plasma processing of metals, polymers, organic and other substances can be realised in one of the several vacuum chambers.

More detailed descrition of applied research

Material synthesis

The researchers of LEI CHET have comprehensive experience in usage of physical technologies (magnetron sputtering, e-beam evaporation, PIII and other plasma based processes) for the synthesis of thin films and modification of surface properties.

During various international and national projects we have synthesised materials for the needs of various energy sectors (in particular hydrogen energy) and other applications. For instance, we have produced functional elements for the gas separation (hydrogen purification) membranes, solid state electrolytes and electrodes for high and medium temperature fuel cells.

Material Synthesis

Studies of the Mg based thin film hydrides

Investigation of thin films of Mg2NiH4 hydride has showed that the hydride displays different physical and thermo-dynamical properties in comparison to the corresponding powder samples. Many attempts have been undertaken to understand the dominant hydride synthesis mechanism by modifying the surface properties, reducing the particle size, controlling the surface oxidation or using additives. However, in our recent study we were able to experimentally demonstrate that different interface zone between substrate and film has significant effect on both film crystallinity and its reaction with hydrogen.
It was demonstrated that properties of the substrate-film interface zone can be changed either by using different substrate material or by using different substrate pre-treatment (for instance substrate pre-treatment with varying plasma conditions).

Mg-Ni thin films

Hydrogen production using direct reaction between activated aluminum and water

Scientists at Lithuanian Energy Institute’s Centre for Hydrogen Energy technologies have developed a method of hydrogen production from water, using reaction between plasma activated Al and Mg metals (or their alloys) and water. The technology is patented WO2013151408. For instance, aluminum powder is activated under the low-temperature plasma treatment and immersed into the water.

Reaction of activated aluminum with water yields about 1200 ml of hydrogen per gram of aluminum powder which can be supplied to the proton exchange membrane fuel cell generating about 1 Wh of electricity. In addition, obtained reaction by-product is suitable for the synthesis of the secondary pure product of gama-Al2O3 which can be used in the production of catalysts.

plasma activated aluminum reaction with water

Functional coatings for polymers

A technology of oxide based functional thin films deposition on polystyrene grains and expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam sheet surfaces was developed at LEI CHET. Specific coatings can be used as antibacterial or antifungal layers, fire retardants, etc.

Investigation of antifungal properties of coated polystyrene

Nanoflake synthesis and testing

Using magnetron sputtering technique a special method of oxide and metal based nanocrystalline particles formation on soluble substrates we developed at CHET. After substrate dissolving and purification steps unique nanoflakes are observed.

SEM analysis of nanoflakes

Centre facilities


  • Magnetron sputtering and E-beam physical vapour deposition systems (Kurt.J.Lesker PVD-75)
  • Planetary ball mill (Fritsch Pulverisette 6)


  • X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (PHI 5000 VersaProbe);
  • Auger Electron Spectrometer (PHI 700Xi);
  • X-ray diffractometer (Bruker D8) with environmental chamber for in-situ heating XRD;
  • Scanning Electron Microscope (Hitachi S-3400N);
  • Energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (Bruker Quad 5040);
  • Fully automated Sievert type instrument (Hy-Energy PCTPro-2000);
  • Ionic-electric conductivity (impedance) tester (NorECs Norwegian Electro Ceramics AS Probostat);
  • Glow discharge optical emission spectrometer (SPECTRUMA GDA 750);
  • Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen quantity analyser (HORIBA EMGA-830);
  • Dynamic Ultra-Hardness Tester (Shimadzu DUH-211S);
  • Atomic Force Microscope (Microtestmachines NT-206);
  • Double-beam spectrophotometer (JASCO V-656);
  • Other supplementary equipment.

Pictures of equipment employed by the LEI Center for Hydrogen Energy Technologies



Hosney A., Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Ignatjev I., Ullah S., Barčauskaitė K.. Feasibility study on optimizing chitosan extraction and characterization from shrimp biowaste via acidic demineralization In: Biomass Conversion and Biorefnery. Heidelberg: Springer, 2024, p. 1-15. ISSN 2190-6815.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Hydrodynamic innovation: using two-phase flow and compliant surfaces for drag reduction In: Book of Abstracts 10th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (ExHFT-10). Rhodes Island: 2024, p. 24-26..
Giedraitienė A., Ružauskas M., Šiugždinienė R., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Grigonis K., Milčius D. [LEI]. ZnO Nanoparticles Enhance the Antimicrobial Properties of Two-Sided-Coated Cotton Textile In: Nanomaterials. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 14, Iss. 15, 1264, p. 1-14. ISSN 2079-4991.
Drapanauskaitė D., Barčauskaitė K., Bunevičienė K., Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Baltrusaitis J.. Recovery of nutrients from biofuel ash via organic acid-facilitated solid-liquid extraction In: Chemosphere. Oxford: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 363, 142945, p. 1-10. ISSN 0045-6535.
Jankaitytė E., Mildažienė V., Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Seed color-dependent effects of cold plasma on germnation of red clover are related to strong differences in the structure of seed coat In: CYSENI' 2024: 20th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 21-23 May, 2024 [proceedings]. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2024, p. 108-108. ISSN 2783-6339.
Hosney A., Ignatjev I., Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Barčauskaitė K.. Evaluation of the optimization of acidic demineralization on characterization of chitosan isolated from shrimp shells In: CYSENI' 2024: 20th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 21-23 May, 2024 [proceedings]. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2024, p. 74-74. ISSN 2783-6339.
Sereika R., Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Žaltauskas R., Milčius D. [LEI]. Synthesis and properties of quasi-one-dimensional BiSBr crystals via the Bridgman-Stockbarger technique In: Journal of Crystal Growth. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 643, 127816, p. 1-6. ISSN 0022-0248.
Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Knoks A., Mezulis A,, Kleperis J., Richter Ch., Meirbekova R., Gunnarsson G., Milčius D. [LEI]. Enhanced Hydrogen Generation through Low-Temperature Plasma Treatment of Waste Aluminum for Hydrolysis Reaction In: Materials. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 17, Iss. 11, 2637, p. 1-16. ISSN 1996-1944.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Knoks A., Milčius D. [LEI]. Enhanced hydrogen generation in low-range acidic solutions using Mg2NiH4 powders and their mixtures ball-milled with NaCl and fused silica In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 50, p. 614-636. ISSN 0360-3199.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Bašinskas M. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Maziukienė M. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Makarevičius V. [LEI]. Magnesium Hydride: Investigating Its Capability to Maintain Stable Vapor Film In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 17. Iss. 3, 661, p. 1-12. ISSN 1996-1073.
Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Mezulis A,, Lesnicenoks P., Knoks A., Richter Ch., Milčius D. [LEI], Meirbekova R., Gunnarsson G., Kleperis J.. Hydrogen from industrial aluminium scraps: Hydrolysis under various conditions, modelling of pH behaviour and analysis of reaction by-product In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 50, Part. B, p. 431-446. ISSN 0360-3199.


Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI], Knoks A., Lesnicenoks P.. Utilization of waste aluminum for hydrogen production and material recycling In: Book of Abstracts/Proceedings 7th International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion 11th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage System 2023. Muğla: Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University, 2023, p. 126-126. ISBN 978-625-00-9198-3.
Mezulis A,, Richter Ch., Lesnicenoks P., Knoks A., Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI], Kleperis J.. Studies on Water–Aluminum Scrap Reaction Kinetics in Two Steps and the Efficiency of Green Hydrogen Production In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 16, Iss. 14, 5554, p. 1-17. ISSN 1996-1073.
Giedraitienė A., Ružauskas M., Šiugždinienė R., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Grigonis K., Milčius D. [LEI]. Development of Antibacterial Cotton Textiles by Deposition of Fe2O3 Nanoparticles Using Low-Temperature Plasma Sputtering In: Nanomaterials. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 13, Iss. 24, 3106, p. 1-12. ISSN 2079-4991.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Thermal analysis of magnesium hydride In: Book of Abstracts SMS /NanoMed /Sensors/EGF 2023 Joint Conferences 25 - 27 October 2023. Albufeira: Setcor, 2023, p. 104-104..
Buidovas P. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Bašinskas M. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Makarevičius V. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI]. Thermal pre-treatment effect on tih2 thermal decomposition In: CYSENI 2023: 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 54-54. ISSN 2783-6339.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Dehydrogenation on the surfaces by affecting vapour formation In: 15th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering – MECCE . Barcelona: 2023, p. 1-2..
Bocullo V., Martišauskas L. [LEI], Gatautis R. [LEI], Vonžudaitė O. [LEI], Bakas R. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI], Venčaitis R., Pupeikis D.. A Digital Twin Approach to City Block Renovation Using RES Technologies In: Sustainability. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 15, Iss. 12, 9307, p. 1-27. ISSN 2071-1050.
Padgurskas J., Volskis D., Rukuiža R., Kupčinskas A., Basheleishvili N., Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Limitary State of Heavy-Duty Engine Oils and Their Evaluation According to the Change of Tribological Properties during Operation In: Lubricants. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 11, Iss. 6, 236, p. 1-14. ISSN 2075-4442.
Rukanskis M., Padgurskas J., Mihailov V., Rukuiža R., Žunda A., Baltakys K., Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Investigation of the Lubricated Tribo-System of Modified Electrospark Coatings In: Coatings. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 13, Iss. 5, 825, p. 1-15. ISSN 2079-6412.
Mohamed A., Yousef S., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Tonkonogovas A. [LEI], Stankevičius A. [LEI]. Gas permeation and selectivity of polysulfone/carbon non-woven fabric membranes with sponge and finger-like structures In: Process Safety and Environmental Protection. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2023, Vol. 171, p. 630-639. ISSN 0957-5820, eISSN 1744-3598.
Lelis M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Sakalauskaitė S., Daugelavičius R.. C-TiO2+Ni and ZnO+Ni Magnetic Photocatalyst Powder Synthesis by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Technique and Their Application for Bacteria Inactivation In: Inorganics. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 11, Iss. 2, 59, p. 1-18. ISSN 2304-6740.


Andronic L., Lelis M. [LEI], Enesca A., Karazhanov S.. Photocatalytic activity of defective black-titanium oxide photocatalysts towards pesticide degradation under UV/VIS irradiation In: Surfaces and Interfaces. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 32, 102123, p. 1-10. ISSN 2468-0230.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Maziukienė M. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Makarevičius V. [LEI], Poškaitė A., Bašinskas M.. Investigation of vapour film formation on nanolayer surfaces to reduce drag on marine vessels In: Book of abstracts 17th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems November 6-10 2022 Paphos, Cyprus. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2022, p. 473-473. ISSN 2706-3690.
Giedraitienė A., Ružauskas M., Šiugždinienė R., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Antimicrobial Properties of CuO Particles Deposited on a Medical Mask In: Materials . Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 15, Iss. 22, 7896, p. 1-14. ISSN 1996-1944.
Lelis M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Demikytė E., Galalytė D., Sakalauskaitė S., Daugelavičius R.. Ivestigation of bi-layered ZnO-Ni photocatalyst powder produced by reactive magnetron sputtering technique In: Conference Proceedings The Global Advanced Materials & Surfaces GAMS 2022 International Conference June 15 to 17 2022. Paris: 2022, p. 1-5..
Lelis M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Demikytė E., Vasiliauskė D., Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Sakalauskaitė S.. Synthesis and repetitive application of nanocrystalline ZnO based floating photocatalyst for the detoxification of water from bacteria and viruses mixtures In: Proceedings of the Nanotech France 2022 International Conference Paris, France – June 15 – 17, 2022. Paris: 2022, p. 1-5..
Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Karazhanov S., Lelis M. [LEI]. Analysis of TihxOy Films Produced by Physical Vapor Deposition Method In: Applied sciences. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 21, 10811, p. 1-9. ISSN 2076-3417.
Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI]. Investigation of TIHxOy films produced by reactive magnetron sputtering technique In: CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 423-426. ISSN 2783-6339.
Sereika R., Žaltauskas R., Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Liu F., Ding Y., Milčius D. [LEI]. On the structure of SbTeI In: Journal of Applied Physics. Melvilla: AIP Publishing, 2022, Vol. 132, Iss. 1, 015106, p. 1-7. ISSN 0021-8979 , eISSN 1089-7550.
Abromaitis V., Švaikauskaitė J., Šulčiūtė A., Sinkevičiūtė D., Žmuidzinavičienė N., Misevičius S., Tichonovas M., Urniežaitė I., Jankūnaitė D., Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Dzingelevičienė R., Baranauskis K., Martuzevičius D.. Ozone-enhanced TiO2 nanotube arrays for the removal of COVID-19 aided antibiotic ciprofloxacin from water: Process implications and toxicological evaluation In: Journal of Environmental Management . London: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 318, 115515, p. 1-14. ISSN 0301-4797, eISSN 1095-8630.
Adhikary S. K., Rudžionis Ž., Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Characterization of aerogel and EGA-based lightweight cementitious composites incorporating different thickness of graphene platelets In: Journal of Building Engineering. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 57, 104870, p. 1-14. ISSN 2352-7102.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI]. Biomethane Production from Raw Syngas over a Metal Hydride Catalyst In: Book of abstracts 5th South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy,Water and Environmental Systems, May 22-26 Vlore, Albania.. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2022, SEE2022.0114, p. 150-150. ISSN 2706-3682 (Digital proceedings).
Yousef S., Subadra S. P., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Baltušnikas A. [LEI], Lukošiūtė S. I. [LEI], Arafa E. I., Mohamed A.. Finite element analysis of fibreglass and carbon fabrics reinforced polyethersulfone membranes In: Materials Today Communications. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 31, 103682, p. 1-11..
Morkūnaitė G., Ožiūnas R., Čeplauskas V., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Laurikaitienė J., Adlienė D.. Surface Morphology Changes of Bleached Dental Ceramics In: Applied sciences. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 9, 4557, p. 1-11. Scopus. ISSN 2076-3417.
Kazlauskas D., Jankauskas V., Kreivaitis R., Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Wear behaviour of PVD coating strengthened WC-Co cutters during milling of oak-wood In: Wear. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2022, 498–499 , 204336, p. 1-12. ISSN 0043-1648, eISSN 1873-2577.
Barauskienė I., Valatka E., Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI]. Copper‑Cobalt Oxides on FTO Substrate for Electrocatalytic and Pseudocapacitive Applications In: Electrocatalysis. New York, NY: Springer, 2022, Early access, p. 1-11. Scopus. ISSN 1868-2529 , eISSN 1868-5994.
Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Sakalauskaitė S., Demikytė E., Lelis M. [LEI]. Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Inactivation of Bacteria, Bacteriophages, and Their Mixtures Using ZnO-Coated HDPE Beads as Floating Photocatalyst In: Materials. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 15, Iss. 4, 1318, p. 1-13. ISSN 1996-1944.
Adhikary S. K., Rudžionis Ž., Tučkutė S.. Characterization of novel lightweight self-compacting cement composites with incorporated expanded glass, aerogel, zeolite and fly ash In: Case Studies in Construction Materials . Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 16, e00879, p. 1-19. ISSN 2214-5095.
Tučkutė S. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Demikytė E., Bočkutė K., Lelis M. [LEI]. Structure and Photocatalytic Activity of Copper and Carbon-Doped Metallic Zn Phase-Rich ZnO Oxide Films In: Catalysts. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 12, 60, p. 1-14. ISSN 2073-4344.


Bočkutė K., Demikytė E., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Laukaitis G., Lelis M. [LEI]. Photoluminescence and structural defects of ZnO films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering with unconventional Ar-O2 gas mixture formation In: Book of abstracts 26 - 28 MAY, 2021 Virtual joint conferences. Korea: Graphene Korea 2021 International Conference, 2021, p. 94-94..
Demikytė E., Sakalauskaitė S., Kuliešienė N., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Daugelavičius R., Lelis M. [LEI]. Ni underlayer effect for the structure development and visible light photocatalytic efficiency of carbon-doped TiO2 film In: The Conference of Environmental and Climate Technologies (Connect2021). Riga: Riga Technical University , 2021, Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 1032-1042..
Vasiliauskė D., Sakalauskaitė S., Kuliešienė N., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Daugelavičius R., Lelis M. [LEI]. Synergistic generation of reactive oxygen species by visible light activated TiO2 and S.enterica interaction In: The Conference of Environmental and Climate Technologies (Connect2021). Riga: Riga Technical University, 2021, p. 17-17..
Sakalauskaitė S., Vasiliauskė D., Demikytė E., Daugelavičius R., Lelis M. [LEI]. Influence of the Metabolic Activity of Microorganisms on Disinfection Efficiency of the Visible Light and P25 TiO2 Photocatalyst In: Catalysts. Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 11, Iss.. 12, 1432, p. 1-15. ISSN 2073-4344.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Sakalauskaitė S., Demikytė E., Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Floating Carbon-Doped TiO2 Photocatalyst with Metallic Underlayers Investigation for Polluted Water Treatment under Visible-Light Irradiation In: Catalysts . Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 11, Iss.. 12, 1454, p. 1-20. ISSN 2073-4344.
Yousef S., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Tonkonogovas A. [LEI], Stankevičius A. [LEI], Mohamed A.. Ultra-permeable CNTs/PES membranes with a very low CNTs content and high H2/N2 and CH4/N2 selectivity for clean energy extraction applications In: Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 15, p. 5114-5127. ISSN 2238-7854.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI]. Formation of Zn-rich ZnO films with improved bulk and surface characteristics by approach of magnetron sputtering technique In: Thin Solid Films. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 738, 138967, p. 1-9. ISSN 0040-6090.
Daugnora L., Girininkas A., Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Trace elements of Palaeolithic reindeer antlers in Lithuanian territory In: BALTEHUMS II Second Baltic Conference on the Environmental Humanities and Social Sciences November 1–2, 2021 Held online from Tallinn University, Estonia. Tallinn: Tallinn University, 2021, p. 19-19..
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI]. Hydrogen generation kinetics via hydrolysis of Mg2Ni and Mg2NiH4 powders In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 46, Iss. 73, p. 36323-36335. ISSN 0360-3199, eISSN 1879-3487.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Sakalauskaitė S., Demikytė E., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI]. Photocatalytic Inactivation of Salmonella typhimurium by Floating Carbon-Doped TiO2 Photocatalyst In: Materials. Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 14, Iss. 19, 5681, p. 1-12. ISSN 1996-1944.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI]. Process Performance Comparison of CO2 and Syngas Conversion to Biomethane over a Metal Hydride Catalyst In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Florence: EUBIA-European Biomass Industry Association, 2021, p. 1317-1320. Scopus. ISSN 2282-5819 ISBN 978-88-89407-21-9.
Mohamed A., Yousef S., Ali S., Sriubas M., Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A., Kamel B. M.. Highly Efficient Visible Light Photodegradation of Cr(VI) Using Electrospun MWCNTs-Fe3O4@PES Nanofibers In: Catalysts. Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 11, 868, p. 1-10. ISSN 2073-4344.
Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Sakalauskaitė S., Demikytė E., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI]. Application of Floating TiO2 Photocatalyst for Methylene Blue Decomposition and Salmonella Typhimurium Inactivation In: Catalysts. Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 11, Iss. 7, 794, p. 1-13. ISSN 2073-4344.
Krylova V., Dukštienė N., Lelis M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI]. PES/PVC textile surface modification by thermo-chemical treatment for improving its hydrophilicity In: Surfaces and interfaces. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 25, 101184, p. 1-15. ISSN 2468-0230.
Vaičiukynienė D., Kantautas A., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Manhanga F., Janavičius A., Ivanauskas E., Rudžionis Ž., Gaudutis A.. The using of concrete wash water from ready mixed concrete plants in cement systems In: Materials. Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 14, Iss. 10, 2483, p. 1-13. ISSN 1996-1944.
Ščajev P., Soriūtė V., Kreiza G., Nargelas S., Dobrovolskas D., Malinauskas T., Subačius L., Onufrijevs P., Varnagiris Š. [LEI], CHeng H. H.. Temperature and spatial dependence of carrier lifetime and luminescence intensity in Ge0.95Sn0.05 layer In: Materials science and engineering B. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 270, 115204, p. 1-12. ISSN 0921-5107, eISSN 1873-4944.
Ščajev P., Onufrijevs P., Mekys A., Malinauskas T., Augulis D., Subačius L., Lee K.-Ch., Kaupuzs J., Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Medvids A., CHeng H. H.. Extension of spectral sensitivity of GeSn IR photodiode after laser annealing In: Applied surface science. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 555, 149711, p. 1-8. ISSN 0169-4332 , eISSN 1873-5584.
Barčauskaitė K., Drapanauskaitė D., Silva M., Murzin V., Doyeni M., Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Williams C. F., Supronienė S., Baltrusaitis J.. Low concentrations of Cu2+ in synthetic nutrient containing wastewater inhibit MgCO3-to-struvite transformation In: Environmental Science Water Research & Technology. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021, Vol. 7, p. 521-534. ISSN 2053-1400, eISSN 2053-1419.
Adhikary S. K., Rudžionis Ž., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Aschish D. K.. Effects of carbon nanotubes on expanded glass and silica aerogel based lightweight concrete In: Scientific reports. London: Nature research, 2021, Vol. 11, 2104, p. 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322.
Medvids A., Onufrijevs P., Kaupuzs J., Eglitis R., Padgurskas J., Žunda A., Mimura H., Skadins I., Varnagiris Š. [LEI]. Anatase or rutile TiO2 nanolayer formation on Ti substrates by laser radiation: Mechanical, photocatalytic and antibacterial properties In: Optics & Laser Technology. Oxford: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 138, 106898, p. 1-8. ISSN 0030-3992.
Jatautaitė L., Krylova V., Dukštienė N., Lelis M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Ag-In-Se films on flexible architectural textiles as efficient material for optoelectronics applications: A preliminary study In: Thin Solid Films . Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 721, 138566, p. 1-12. ISSN 0040-6090.


Bastakys L., Mathew J.S., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Structural and Tribological Properties of Ceramic Coatings Deposited by Plasma Spraying In: NBCM 2020: international conference on nanostructured bioceramic materials, 1-3 December 2020, Vilnius, Vilnius University: conference book. Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas, 2020, 20, p. 1-1. ISBN 978-609-07-0557-5.
Lelis M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Investigation of Catalyst Development from Mg2NiH4 Hydride and Its Application for the CO2 Methanation Reaction In: Coatings. Basel: MDPI, 2020, vol. 10 (12), 1178, p. 1-15. ISSN 2079-6412.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Vilimaitė S., Mikelionytė I., Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. The Combination of Simultaneous Plasma Treatment with Mg Nanoparticles Deposition Technique for better Mung Bean Seeds Germination In: Processes. Basel: MDPI, 2020, Vol. 8 (12), 1575, p. 1-5. ISSN 2227-9717.
Marcinauskas L., Milieška M. [LEI], Mathew J.S., Dovydaitis V., Kėželis R. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Tribological properties of plasma sprayed alumina, alumina-titania and alumina-zirconia coatings In: Acta physica Polonica A, Special issue of the international conference on research and applications of plasmas (PLASMA-2019), Opole, Poland, July 15–19, 2019. Warszawa: Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, Vol. 138, No. 4, p. 656-661. ISSN 0587-4246, eISSN 1898-794X.
Vernickaitė E., Lelis M. [LEI], Tsyntsaru N., Pakštas V., Cesiulis H.. XPS studies on the Mo oxide-based coatings electrodeposited from highly saturated acetate bath In: Chemija. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2020, Vol. 31, No. 4, p. 203-209. ISSN 0235-7216.
Yousef S., Subadra S. P., Griškevičius P., Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI], Makarevičius V. [LEI]. Superhydrophilic functionalized graphene/fiberglass/epoxy laminates with high mechanical, impact and thermal performance and treated by plasma In: Polymer Testing. Oxford: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 90, 106701, p. 1-11. ISSN 0142-9418, eISSN 1973-2348.
Medvids A., Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Letko E., Milčius D. [LEI], Grase L., Gaidukovs S., Mychko A., Pludons A., Onufrijevs P., Mimura H.. Phase transformation from rutile to anatase with oxygen ion dose in the TiO2 layer formed on a Ti substrate In: Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. Oxford: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 106, 104776, p. 1-6. ISSN 1369-8001, eISSN 1873-4081.
Kazlauskas V., Jankauskas V., Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Research on Tribological Characteristics of Hard Metal WC-Co Tools with TiAlN and CrN PVD Coatings for Processing Solid Oak Wood In: Coatings. Basel: MDPI, 2020, Vol. 10, 632, p. 1-13. ISSN 2079-6412.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Sakalauskaitė S., Daugelavičius R., Pranevičius L. L. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Floating TiO2 photocatalyst for efficient inactivation of E. coli and decomposition of methylene blue solution In: Science of the Total Environment. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 720, 137600, p. 1-10. ISSN 0048-9697.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI]. Treatment of diesel-contaminated soil using thermal water vapor arc plasma In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Heidelberg: Springer, 2020, Vol. 27, p. 43-54. ISSN 0944-1344, eISSN 1614-7499.
Belevskii S. S., Danilchuk V. V., Gotelyak A. V., Lelis M. [LEI], Yushchenko S. P., Dikusar A. I.. Electrodeposition of Fe–W Alloys from Citrate Bath: Impact of Anode Material In: Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry. Moscow: PLEIADES PUBLISHING INC, 2020, Vol. 45, No. 1, p. 1-12. ISSN 1068-3755.
Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Pranevičius L. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Production of Gamma Alumina Using Plasma-Treated Aluminum and Water Reaction Byproducts In: Materials. Basel: MDPI, 2020, vol. 13, Iss. 6, p. Article ID 1300. ISSN 1996-1944.
Sakalauskaitė S., Kuliešienė N., Galalytė D., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Daugelavičius R., Lelis M. [LEI]. Potential and Risk of the Visible Light Assisted Photocatalytical Treatment of PRD1 and T4 Bacteriophage Mixtures In: Environmental and Climate Technologies. Warsaw: Sciendo, 2020, Vol. 24, No. 3, p. 215-224. Scopus . ISSN 1691-5208.
Simanaitienė A., Barauskienė I., Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Šulčiūtė A.. Mixed zinc–cobalt oxide coatings for photocatalytic applications In: APPLIED PHYSICS A. Heidelberg: Springer Natura, 2020, Vol. 126, 695, p. 1-10. ISSN 0947-8396.
Aleksiejuk-Gawron J., Milčiuvienė S., Kiršienė J., Doheijo E., Garzon D., Urbonas R. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Net-Metering Compared to Battery-Based Electricity Storage in a Single-Case PV Application Study Considering the Lithuanian Context In: Energies. MDPI, 2020, Vol. 13, No. 9, 2286, p. 1-5. ISSN 1996-1073.
Lelis M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Bočkutė K., Laukaitis G.. Synthesis and analysis of metallic Zn phase rich ZnO oxide films for the photocatalytic water treatment technologies In: Materials Today: Proceedings 33 Metal oxide- and oxyhydride-based nanomaterials for energy and environment-related applications / edited by S. Karazhanov, C. Ton-That, A. Cremades. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 33, pt. 6, p. 2484-2489. ISSN 2214-7853.
Kuliešienė N., Sakalauskaitė S., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Daugelavičius R., Lelis M. [LEI]. TiO2 Application for the Photocatalytical Inactivation of S. enterica, E. coli and M. luteus Bacteria Mixtures In: Environmental and Climate Technologies . Warsaw: Sciendo, 2020, Vol. 24, No. 3, p. 418-429. Scopus . ISSN 1691-5208.


Yousef S., Hamdy M., Tatariants M., Tučkutė S. [LEI], El-Abden S. Z., Kliučininkas L., Baltušnikas A. [LEI]. Sustainable industrial technology for recovery of cellulose from banknote production waste and reprocessing into cellulose nanocrystals In: Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2019, Vol. 149, p. 510-520. ISSN 0921-3449, eISSN 1879-0658.
Wan C., Denys R. V., Lelis M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI], Yartys V. A.. Electrochemical studies and phase-structural characterization of a highcapacity La-doped AB2 Laves type alloy and its hydride In: Journal of Power Sources. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2019, Vol. 418, p. 193-201. ISSN 0378-7753.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Medvids A., Lelis M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI], Antuzevics A.. Black carbon-doped TiO2 films: Synthesis, characterization and photocatalysis In: Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2019, Vol. 382, 111941, p. 1-9. ISSN 1010-6030.
Tučkutė S. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI], Sakalauskaitė S.. Tailoring of TiO2 film crystal texture for higher photocatalysis efficiency In: Applied Surface Science. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2019, Vol. 489, p. 576-583. ISSN 0169-4332.
Milčiuvienė S., Kiršienė J., Doheijo E., Urbonas R. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. The Role of Renewable Energy Prosumers in Implementing Energy Justice Theory In: Sustainability. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2019, Vol. 11, 5286, p. 1-16. ISSN 2071-1050.
Lelis M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Laukaitis G., Bočkutė K.. Tailoring of TiO2 film microstructure by pulsed-DC and RF magnetron co-sputtering In: Surface & Coatings Technology. Elsevier, 2019, Vol. 377, 124906, p. 1-8. ISSN 0257-8972.
Yousef S., Eimontas J., Striūgas N. [LEI], Tatariants M., Abdelnaby M. A., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Kliučininkas L.. A sustainable bioenergy conversion strategy for textile waste with self-catalysts using mini-pyrolysis plant In: Energy Conversion and Management. Elsevier, 2019, Vol. 196, p. 688-704. ISSN 0196-8904.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Meilutytė-Lukauskienė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Samosionokas J.. Remediation of organochlorine pesticides contaminated soil using thermal plasma In: Energetika. Vilnius: Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2019, Vol. 65, No. 2-3, p. 122-130. ISSN 0235-7208.


Šatkauskienė I., Wood T., Rutkauskaitė-Sucilienė J., Mildažienė V., Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Freshwater bryozoans of Lithuania (Bryozoa) In: ZooKeys. Sofia, Bulgaria: Pensoft, 2018, Vol. 774, p. 53-75. ISSN 1313-2989.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Donelienė J., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Čėsnienė J. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Expanded polystyrene foam formed from polystyrene beads coated with a nanocrystalline SiO2 film and the analysis of its moisture adsorption and resistance to mechanical stress In: Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering . Philadelphia, USA: Taylor&Francis, 2018, Vol. 57, Iss. 13, p. 1296-1302. ISSN 0360-2559, eISSN 1525-6111.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. SiO2 films as heat resistant layers for protection of expandable polystyrene foam from flame torch–induced heat In: Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials . London, England: Sage, 2018, Vol. 31, Iss. 5, p. 657-667. ISSN 0892-7057 .
Montero J., Martinsen F. A., Lelis M. [LEI], Karazhanov S. Zh., Hauback B. C., Marstein E. S.. Preparation of yttrium hydride-based photochromic films by reactive magnetron sputtering In: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells . Amsterdamas, Nyderlandai: Elsevier, 2018, Vol. 177, p. 106-109. ISSN 0927-0248.
Tučkutė S. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI], Maiorov M., Diaz Ordaz J. R., Milčius D. [LEI]. A new method of nanocrystalline nickel powder formation by magnetron sputtering on the water-soluble substrates In: Materials Research Express. 2018, Vol. 5, No. 1, p. 1-9..


Venckutė V., Dindune A., Valdniece D., Krumina A., Lelis M. [LEI], Jasulaitienė V., Maneikis A., Daugėla S., Šalkus T., Kežionis A., Orliukas A. F.. Preparation, structure, surface and impedance analysis of Na2 Zn0.5 Mn0.5 P2 O7 ceramics In: Lithuanian Journal of physics. 2017, Vol. 57, No. 3, p. 183-193. ISSN 1648-8504.
Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Generation of Hydrogen through the Reaction between Plasma-Modified Aluminum and Water In: Energy Technology. 2017, Vol. 5, No. 12, p. 2300-2308. ISSN 2194-4288, eISSN 2194-4296.
Chamoun M., Skårman B., Vidarsson H., Smith R. I., Hull S., Lelis M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI], Noréus D.. Stannate increases hydrogen evolution overpotential on rechargeable alkaline iron electrodes In: Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2017, Vol. 164, Iss. 6, p. A1251-A1257. ISSN 0013-4651.
Lesnicenoks P., Zemitis J., Grinberga L., Chikvaidze G., Kleperis J., Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Modified Graphene Sheet Stacks for Hydrogen Binding In: Materials Science (Medžiagotyra). 2017, Vol. 23, No. 1, p. 3-5. ISSN 1392-1320, eISSN 2029-7289.
Raškovič-Lovre Ž., Mongstad T. T., Karazhanov S., You C. C., Lindberg S., Lelis M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI], Deledda S.. Annealing-induced structural rearrangement and optical band gap change in Mg–Ni–H thin films In: Materials Research Express. 2017, Vol. 4, No. 1, p. 1-7..
Girdzevičius D., Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Attempt to regenerate MgO to Mg under hydrogen plasma conditions In: The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 192-198. ISSN 1822-7554.
Milčius D. [LEI], Diaz Ordaz J. R.. Ni-NaCl nanopowders production using magnetron sputtering In: The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 186-191. ISSN 1822-7554.
Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Girdzevičius D., Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Possible reduction of aluminium hydroxide in hydrogen gas plasma In: The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 180-185. ISSN 1822-7554.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Girdzevičius D., Milčius D. [LEI], Sakalauskaitė S.. Photocatalytic properties of TiO2 deposited on non-expanded polystyrene beads In: The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 324-331. ISSN 1822-7554.
Auškalnis A., Žekonis G., Sūdžiūtė G., Povilaitytė G., Milčius D. [LEI]. Lithium disilicate ceramic roughness evaluation after different finishing methods and comparison before and after surface reduction and intraoral polishing imitation In: European International Journal of Science and Technology . 2017, Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 63-76. ISSN 2304-9693.
Lesnicenoks P., Grinberga L., Jekabsons L., Antuzecičš A., Berzina A., Knite M., Taurins G., Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Kleperis J.. Nanostructured carbon materials for hydrogen energetics In: Advanced Materials Letters. 2017, Vol. 8, No. 4, p. 518-523. ISSN 0976-3961.
Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Girdzevičius D., Milčius D. [LEI]. Hydrogen generation based on aluminum-water reaction for fuel cell applications In: Energy Procedia (International Scientific Conference “Environmental and Climate Technologies”, CONECT 2017, 10-12 May 2017, Riga, Latvia). Didžioji Britanija, Oxfordas: Elsevier, 2017, Vol. 128, p. 114-120. ISSN 1876-6102.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Girdzevičius D., Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Incorporation of SiO2 and TiO2 additives into expanded polystyrene foam using physical vapour deposition technique In: Energy Procedia (International Scientific Conference “Environmental and Climate Technologies”, CONECT 2017, 10–12 May 2017, Riga, Latvia ). Didžioji Britanija, Oxfordas: Elsevier, 2017, Vol. 128, p. 525-532. ISSN 1876-6102.
Girdzevičius D., Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Implementation of hydrogen plasma activation of Mg powder in two steps hydrogenation In: Energy Procedia (International Scientific Conference “Environmental and Climate Technologies”, CONECT 2017, 10–12 May 2017, Riga, Latvia ). Didžioji Britanija, Oxfordas: Elsevier, 2017, Vol. 128, p. 108-113. ISSN 1876-6102.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Sakalauskaitė S., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI], Daugelavičius R., Milčius D. [LEI]. Investigation of E. coli bacteria inactivation by photocatalytic activity of TiO2 coated expanded polystyrene foam In: Materials Research Express. 2017, Vol. 4, No. 3, p. 036409. ISSN 2053-1591.
Orliukas A. F., Venckutė V., Daugėla S., Kežionis A., Dindune A., Valdniece D., Ronis J., Lelis M. [LEI], Mosialek M., Šalkus T.. Synthesis, structure and impedance spectroscopy of NaCsZn0.5Mn0.5P2O7 pyrophosphate ceramics In: Solid State Ionics. 2017, Vol. 302, p. 92-97. ISSN 0167-2738.
Levinas R., Tsyntsaru N., Lelis M. [LEI], Cesiulis H.. Synthesis, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study and photoelectrochemical behaviour of as-deposited and annealed WO3 films In: Electrochimica Acta. 2017, Vol. 225, p. 29-38. ISSN 0013-4686.


Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Power generation by proton exchange membrane fuel cell using plasma modified aluminum and water reaction In: 13th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2016), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 26–27, 2016. Kaunas: LEI, 2016. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2016, p. 1-8. ISSN 1822-7554.
Girdzevičius D., Milčius D. [LEI]. Electrical power generation with PEM FC using hydrogen supply through Mg-Ni reaction with water In: Energetika. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2016, T. 62, Nr. 1-2, p. 19-27. ISSN 0235-7208.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Duonėlienė J., Tučkutė S. [LEI], Vonžodas T. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Incorporation of particles into the bulk of expanded polystyrene foam using physical vapour deposition technologies In: Energetika. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2016, T. 62, Nr. 1-2, p. 28-36. ISSN 0235-7208.
Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Temperatūros įtaka aliuminio ir vandens reakcijų kinetikai išgaunant vandenilį, skirtą mažos galios prietaisams In: Energetika. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2016, T. 62, Nr. 3, p. 145-154. ISSN 0235-7208.
Crivello J. C., Dam B., Denys R. V., Dornheim M., Grant D. M., Huot J., Jensen T. R., de Jongh P., Latroche M., Milanese C., Milčius D. [LEI], Walker G. S., Webb C. J., Zlotea C., Yartys V. A.. Review of magnesium hydride-based materials: development and optimisation In: Applied Physics A . Berlynas: Springer, 2016, Vol. 122, article 97, p. 1-20. ISSN 0947-8396.


Milčius D. [LEI], Grbovič-Novakovič J., Žostautienė R., Lelis M. [LEI], Girdzevičius D., Urbonavičius M. [LEI]. Combined XRD and XPS analysis of ex-situ and in-situ plasma hydrogenated magnetron sputtered Mg films In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Lausanne, Switzerland: Elsevier, 2015, Vol. 647, p. 790-796. ISSN 0925-8388.
Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Reaction between plasma activated aluminum powder and water under various conditions In: 12th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2015), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 27–28, 2015. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2015, p. 18-25. ISSN 1822-7554.
Girdzevičius D. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. In-situ low temperature plasma hydrogenation of pure Mg thin films In: 12th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2015), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 27–28, 2015. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2015, p. 11-16. ISSN 1822-7554.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Pranevičius L. L. [LEI]. Phase-structural transformations and elemental composition analysis in the TiOx films exposed in water vapour plasma In: 12th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2015), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 27–28, 2015. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2015, p. 1-10. ISSN 1822-7554.
Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI]. Formation of SIO layer on the surface of expanded polystyrene foam In: 12th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2015), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 27–28, 2015. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2015, p. 323-328. ISSN 1822-7554.
Skrockienė V., Žukienė K., Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Properties of recycled thermoplastic polyurethane filled with plasma treated bentonite In: Plasma processes and polymers. Germany: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, 2015, Vol. 12, Iss. 11, p. 1284-1292. ISSN 1612-8850.
Orliukas A. F., Fung K.-Z., Venckutė V., Kazlauskienė V., Miškinis J., Lelis M. [LEI]. Structure, surface and broadband impedance spectroscopy of Li4Ti5O12 based ceramics with Nb and Ta In: Solid State Ionics. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, 2015, Vol. 271, p. 34-41. ISSN 0167-2738.


Lelis M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI], Žostautienė R.. The effects of Si and expanded PTFE substrates on formation and hydrogenation of Mg and Mg–Ti films In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2013, Vol. 38, Iss. 27, p. 12172-12179. ISSN 0360-3199.
Bočkutė K., Laukaitis G., Milčius D. [LEI]. The properties of nonstoichiometric lanthanum niobium oxide thin films formed using an e-beam deposition technique In: Surface & coatings technology. Lausanne: Elsevier Science, 2013, Vol. 214, No. 1, p. 97-100. ISSN 0257-8972.
Antonov M., Veinthal R., Huttunen-Saarivirta E., Lelis M. [LEI], et al. Effect of oxidation on erosive wear behaviour of boiler steels In: Tribology international. 2013, Vol. 68, p. 35-44. ISSN 0301-679X.


Lelis M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI], Noréus D.. Substrate effects on formation and hydrogenation of Mg–Ni films In: Applied Surface Science. 2012, Vol. 263, p. 202-209. ISSN 0169-4332.


Laukaitis G., Virbukas D., Dudonis J., Katkauskė O., Milčius D. [LEI]. Influence of initial powder particle size on yttrium stabilized zirconium thin films formed by e-beam technique In: Solid State Ionics. 2011, Vol. 188, Iss. 1, p. 41-45. ISSN 0167-2738.
Burinskas S., Adomonis V., Dudonis J., Laukaitis G., Minialga V., Milčius D. [LEI]. Synthesis and characterization of GDC solid electrolytes obtained by solid state sintering of multilayer thin films In: Solid State Ionics. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2011, Vol. 184, No. 1, p. 14-18. ISSN 0167-2738.


Lelis M. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI], Wirth E., Hålenius U., Eriksson L., Jansson K., Kadir K., Ruan J., Sato T., Yokosawa T., Noréus D.. A mechanically switchable metal–insulator transition in Mg2NiH4 discovers a strain sensitive, nanoscale modulated resistivity connected to a stacking fault In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2010, Vol. 496, Iss. 1-2, p. 81-86. ISSN 0925-8388.


International projects

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Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)


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In this proposal, an outline for NENNET, a high quality research network bundling competences in materials sciences, nano-applications and self formation in Lithuania is given. LithuaMore

Nordic Energy Research Programme (NERP)


This is a research network of 12 research group in the Nordic countries, including Baltic and Northwest Russia. The goal is to synthesize, characterize and model new materials thatMore

Baltic Research Programme

European Climate Initiative (EUKI)


Accelerating the integration of hydrogen technologies, promoting readiness, acceptance and awareness, while fostering cross-border cooperation for sustainable energy solutions. BacMore


COST actions logo

This Action deals with the future of energy storage and aims to set up a competitive and coordinated network capable to define new and unexplored ways for Solid State Hydrogen StorageMore

COST actions logo

Efficient energy storage systems are essential in order to increase energy efficiency, improve economic efficiency and reduce environmental impact of mobile and stationary equipment, More

Other international projects


According to the Sustainable Development Goal on Energy (SDG7) as well as Green Deal, RePowerEU and other EU initiatives, clean energy solutions are essential to counter climate changMore

Projects in Lithuania

EU Structural Funds


  Project objective - To test the R&D idea and prepare for submitting an application under the "Horizon Europe" program call by implementing an interdisciplinary project. TMore


  Project objective - To test the R&D idea and to prepare an application for the "European Horizon" programme call through an interdisciplinary project. The HORIZON-CL5-202More

2014–2020 ES fondų investicijų ženklas

UAB Enerstena together with its partner Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is implementing the project "Multifunctional Biomass Energy TechnolMore

2014-2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania logo

Lietuvos energetikos institutas įgyvendina projektą „Kompetencijos centro MTEP veiklų vykdymas, sukuriant ir išbandant inovatyvų dujinių biodegalų gamybos prototipą“ Nr. 01.2.2-CPMore

ES fondų investicijos 2014-2020 m.

On 7 February 2018, the Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and the public institution Central Project Management Agency (CPVA) signed a contract for the implementation of the projeMore

Kuriame Lietuvos ateitį

High heat losses in buildings are a particular issue in Lithuania today. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings and reducing heating bills can be achieved by increasing the therMore

Research Council of Lithuania projects

2014-2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania logo

Lietuvos energetikos institutas įgyvendina projektą „Inovatyvios biometano gamybos technologijos sukūrimas taikant katalitinės termocheminės konversijos metodą“ Nr. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-0More


Name, surname Position Office phone. e-mail
Šarūnas Varnagiris Head (Senior Research Associate) 301-LK +37037401824
Artem Dedenok Lab Technitian
Jūratė Klimaitienė Engineer 305-LK +37037401905
Violeta Melinienė Engineer 303-LK +37037401991
Darius Milčius Chief Research Associate 304-LK +37037401909
Raminta Rodaitė Senior Research Associate
Albinas Svirskis Technician 310-LK
Simona Tučkutė Senior Research Associate 306-LK +37037401916
Marius Urbonavičius Senior research associate 302-LK +37037401904


Measurement of elemental composition (and partially chemical information) of nano-level sample surfaces and nano-level derivatives
Particularly precise (6 nm spatial resolution, 2-3 atomic monolayers volume (depth) resolution) identification of surface and volumetric (up to 1-2 μm depth) derivatives, determination of elemental composition, obtainment of chemical (bond) information. Problems and limitations can be found when testing dielectric specimens in particular.
Measurement of elemental composition and chemical information of micro-level sample surface and nano-level derivatives
Particularly precise (6 nm spatial resolution, 2-3 atomic monolayers volume (depth) resolution) identification of surface and volumetric (up to 1-2 μm depth) derivatives, determination of elemental composition, obtainment of chemical (bond) information. Problems and limitations can be found when testing dielectric specimens in particular.
Quick, low-localization qualitative / quantitative analysis of elemental composition (including profiling) of solids (metals, their alloys and semiconductors) with a glow discharge optical emission spectrometer
Quick, low-precision (spatial accuracy about 2-4 millimeters, profiling depth precision tens-hundreds nanometers) qualitative and quantitative elemental composition analysis. Ability to perform depth profiling, composition control and comparison between surface and deeper layers.
Precise determination of nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen content in various metals, their alloys and other materials by melting in inert gas environment
Using inert gas fusion principle we carry out an accurate analysis of even very small amounts of nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen in various materials. Measurements require up to 1-2g of the test substance that is melted at high temperature during the analysis and the amount of gas released is measured.
Optical bandwidth analysis of materials using a broad spectrum optical spectrophotometer
Qualitative and quantitative measurements of optical bandwidth in the spectral range of 163-1100 nm.
Sample Analysis by Variable Pressure Scanning Electronic Microscope (Variable Pressure SEM)
Variable pressure scanning electron microscope can be used to analyze both conductive and dielectric samples. It is also possible to analyze biological objects with certain limitations. SEM resolution at 30 kV accelerating voltage is 3 nm, while at 3 kV accelerating voltage, 8-10 nm resolution is achieved. We can create images with both secondary and reflective electron detectors, so there is a possibility to separately highlight the unevenness of sample morphology, elemental composition, and extract detailed pseudo 3D images.
Fast Medium Precision Chemical Composition Study Using EDS Microanalysis System
Quantitative and qualitative determination of the elemental composition of the sample by detecting chemical elements from Boro5 to Americio95 at the selected point (spatial resolution 1-2 μm, depending on the measurement conditions, information is obtained from 0.5-2 μm depth). It is also possible to map the distribution of individual chemical elements in the sample area.
Non-destructive analysis of crystalline structure of all types of materials, powder and thin coating specimens by X-ray diffractometer
All crystalline phases in the sample can be determined by one measurement. There are also extended possibilities for diffraction measurements at the same time controlling the ambient temperature (from liquid nitrogen to 1600 oC) and the surrounding environment (high vacuum can be used or the desired amount of gas (suitable for many gases) up to a maximum pressure of 5 bar).
Sample surface analysis using optical microscope
Ability to perform sample analysis using a high-quality optical microscope with the ability to store images in high-resolution photos. Microscope enhancement is selected between 100, 200, 500 and 1000 times. The photos are made with the NIKON DSF-1Fi digital camera specially designed for optical microscopy with a resolution of 2560 x 1920 pixels.