Laboratory of Combustion Processes (13)

Laboratory Head
Rolandas Paulauskas

Tel: +370 37 401830

Breslaujos g. 3, LT-44403 Kaunas, Lithuania

Laboratory of combustion processes


  • Investigation of gaseous, liquid and solid fuels combustion processes;
  • Development and optimization of industrial combustion devices;
  • Thermochemical (gasification, pyrolysis, carbonization) processing of biomass and non-hazardous waste;
  • Liquid and gaseous biofuel synthesis research.

Investigations of combustion and other thermochemical processes in order to valorize a biomass and waste usage for alternative biofuel and chemical production, reduce the environmental emissions and increase technology efficiency.

The Laboratory was formed by specialists of energy field and has over 20 years of research experience. Our main knowledge area – heat and mass transfer, combustion and gasification, environmental impact assesment, aerohydrodynamics, turbulence.

Development of innovative thermal decomposition technology and its application for sewage sludge utilization (INODUMTECH)

With an expanding infrastructure of wastewater collection and treatment, a resulting amount of sludge increases proportionally. Large sludge quantities are accumulated at its storage sites and therefore, management techniques used to date are becoming a threat to the environment and contradicts sustainable development principles. Therefore, effective way of sewage sludge treatment is an urgent matter. One of the innovative residual sludge disposal technology is gasification. By such technology, during thermal decomposition of sludge a valuable product is produced – flammable gas that further can be used for heat and power generation. Gasification process is not only used for volume reduction and extra energy production from sludge, but also for environmental pollution reduction.
INODUMTECH - sewage sludge utilisation solution

Modeling of combustion processes to reduce NOx generation

One of the secondary NOx reduction measures is an additional combustible gas supply to the flame zone. Modeling of any particular system can be done to ensure that optimal parameters will be used such as an additional gas flow rate, amount and angle of additional inlets, inlets head structure and an optimal combustible gas supply zone.

Experimental investigation of ongoing processes during biomass and biofuel pyrolysis

Lower quality biomass can be converted to heat or electricity by palletization and further use in the gasification process, during which the solid biofuel is converted into a gas fraction. Experimental investigation of the biofuel clumping phenomenon was carried out, which happened during the gasification process in the transition from pyrolysis to oxidation zones.

Experimental investigation of biomass drying intensification

Biomass moisture content affects a combustion process and an amount of useful heat release. An investigation of biomass drying intensification in the simulated furnace environment is carried out in order to find an optimal solution.

Investigation of chemiluminescence by atomic spectroscopy

Intensified CCD (ICCD) camera is used for a noninvasive investigation of gas combustion conditions and fuel parameters in a flame by analyzing the emitted radiation of chemiluminescent radicals.

Numerical modeling of granular media

Granular media is abundant in nature and also in many industrial applications. Solid fuel pellets is one of the granular media example used in industry for heat and power generation. Discrete elements method is widely used to model dynamics and interactions of granular particles.

Graph and community detection methods are used for large system evaluation. Modeling of granular media dynamics on a furnace grate allows to optimize the solid biomass, biofuel incineration technology and learn more about the involved fundamental processes.

Numerical investigation of fundamental phenomena occurring during the noninvasive intracranial pressure measurement

For a prevention of secondary brain damage it is important to monitor intracranial pressure. Numerical modelling on the noninvasive monitoring technique is carried out in order to learn more about the fundamental phenomena occurring during the measurement and to find an optimal parameters for intracranial pressure determination.



Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Vilhelm S., Martetschläger L., Eckert C. L. B., Casco M. B., Striūgas N. [LEI], Fendt S.. Plastic Devolatilisation Kinetics During Isothermal High-Temperature Pyrolysis: Focus on Solid Products (Part I) In: Polymers. Basel: MDPI, 2025, Vol. 17, Iss. 4, 525, p. 1-20. ISSN 2073-4360.
Kudelytė V. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Co-Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste and Lignin: A Pathway for Enhanced Hydrocarbon Recovery In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2025, Vol. 18, Iss. 2, 275, p. 1-19. ISSN 1996-1073.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI]. Pyrolysis behavior of non-textile components (buttons) and their kinetic analysis using artificial neural network In: Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2025, Vol. 186, 106880, p. 1-17. ISSN 0165-2370.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Oxygen updraft gasification of euro cotton banknotes waste for hydrogen-rich syngas production In: Journal of the Energy Institute. London: Elsevier, 2025, Vol. 118, 101906, p. 1-11. ISSN 1743-9671.


Ambrazevičius I. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI]. Flame characteristics in plasma–assisted combustion of H2 enriched NH3/CH4 blends In: Proceedings of 17 th International Combustion Symposium (INCOS) 2024, 19-21 September 2024. Bursa: 2024, p. 314-321. ISBN 978-625-6443-27-3.
Bykov E. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI]. Thermal enchancement of the combustion process via gliding arc plasma assistance In: Proceedings 17th International Combustion Symposium (INCOS 2024), 19-21 September 2024. Bursa: 2024, p. 347-348. ISBN 978-625-6443-27-3.
Buinevičius K., Jančauskas A. [LEI], Puida E.. Результаты внедрения системы автоматической поддержки предельно низкого избытка воздуха в дымовых газах In: Проблеми екології та експлуатації об’єктів енергетики: збірник праць / за редакцією О.І. Сігала. Київ: ІВЦ АЛКОН НАН України, 2024, p. 33-36. ISBN 978-966-8449-72-7.
Jančauskas A. [LEI], Bykov E. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI]. Spectral analysis of alternative low-carbon fuel combustion in plasma-assisted burner In: 14th European Conference On Industrial Furnaces And Boilers (INFUB-14) Algarve, Portugal, 2-5 April 2024 (Session 20-BURN: Burners and Modelling). Algarve: Zenodo, 2024, 20-BURN:2, p. 1-1. ISBN 978-989-35683-0-9.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Pitak I. [LEI]. Catalytic reforming of tar for enhancing hydrogen production from gasification of hazardous medical waste In: Energy. Kidlington: Elsevier, 2024, 313, 134184, p. 1-10. ISSN 0360-5442.
Galinis A. [LEI], Kurkela E., Kurkela M., Habermeyer F., Lekavičius V. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Neniškis E. [LEI], Tarvydas D. [LEI]. Economic Attractiveness of the Flexible Combined Biofuel Technology in the District Heating System In: Sustainability. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 16, Iss. 19, 8406, p. 1-26. ISSN 2071-1050.
Mohamed Elshakh Elhag Gassim A. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI]. Leidenfrost Temperature of Aluminium Samples and Vapour Layer Formation ubder Boiling Crisis Condition In: Book of Abstracts of 26th International Conference-School Advanced Materials and Technologies, 26-30 August 2024. Palanga: Kaunas University of Technology, 2024, p. 32-32. ISSN 2669-1930 (online).
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Hydrodynamic innovation: using two-phase flow and compliant surfaces for drag reduction In: Book of Abstracts 10th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (ExHFT-10). Rhodes Island: 2024, p. 24-26..
Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Šatas V., Povilaikaitė A. [LEI], Račkauskas S., Kriūkienė R. [LEI]. Effect of ZnO NANOWIRES coating hydrophobicity on vapor film formation and friction reduction In: 10th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Rhodes Island: Research Kommittee Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2024, p. 66-68..
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Synthesis of benzoic acid from catalytic co-pyrolysis of waste wind turbine blades and biomass and their kinetic analysis In: Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 182, 106684, p. 1-15. ISSN 0165-2370.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Stasiulaitienė I., Jančauskas A. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Steam‑oxygen gasification of surgical mask waste in an updraft fixed bed gasifier system and its life-cycle assessment In: Waste and biomass valorization. Dordrecht: Springer, 2024, Vol. 15, p. 5235-5248. ISSN 1877-265X.
Jančauskas A. [LEI], Bykov E. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI]. Spectral analysis of alternative low-carbon fuel combustion in plasma-assisted burner In: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB-14. Algarve: 2024, p. 20-BURN:2. ISBN 978-989-35683-0-9.
Žalys B. [LEI], Navickas K., Venslauskas K.. Enhancing biogas efficiency: environmental impact of various feedstock pretreatment technologies In: CYSENI' 2024: 20th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 21-23 May, 2024 [proceedings]. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2024, p. 20-20. ISSN 2783-6339.
Mohamed A. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI]. Research of the impact of active surfaces on the formation of vapor film under boiling crisis condition In: CYSENI' 2024: 20th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 21-23 May, 2024 [proceedings]. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2024, p. 85-85. ISSN 2783-6339.
Bykov E. [LEI], Jančauskas A. [LEI], Ambrazevičius I. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI]. Analysis of the plasma-assisted combustion process of the hydrocarbon-containing lean mixtures with various CO2 content. In: CYSENI' 2024: 20th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 21-23 May, 2024 [proceedings]. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2024, p. 83-83. ISSN 2783-6339.
Ambrazevičius I. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Analysis of agglomeration and fouling processes during agro biomass combustion in low-temperature bed In: CYSENI' 2024: 20th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 21-23 May, 2024 [proceedings]. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2024, p. 80-80. ISSN 2783-6339.
Kudelytė V. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Catalytic pyrolysis of lignin waste for higher-added-value energy products recovery In: CYSENI' 2024: 20th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 21-23 May, 2024 [proceedings]. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2024, p. 79-79. ISSN 2783-6339.
Buidovas P. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI]. Exploring seaweed-derived biochar as a sustainable catalyst support: pyrolytic fabrication and characterization of iron and copper supported catalysts from Baltic Sea macroalgae In: CYSENI' 2024: 20th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 21-23 May, 2024 [proceedings]. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2024, p. 69-69. ISSN 2783-6339.
Buivydas E. [LEI], Navickas K., Venslauskas K. [LEI]. A life cycle assessment of methane slip reduction in biomethane production process In: CYSENI' 2024: 20th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 21-23 May, 2024 [proceedings]. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2024, p. 53-53. ISSN 2783-6339.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI]. Sustainable glass production with hybrid plasma-assisted combustion technology In: 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Rhodes, Greece, 19 - 22 June 2024 (Online Proceedings). Rhodes: 2024, Room I, Session XXI Energy from waste, p. 1-2..
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. The exploration of catalytic pyrolysis of discarded fishing nets aiming to recover energy-based products In: 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Rhodes, Greece, 19 - 22 June 2024 (Online Proceedings). Rhodes: 2024, Room I, Session XVII Waste-to-Energy & Energy from Waste, p. 1-2..
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Meile K., Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Co-pyrolysis of Baltic wheat straw and low-density polyethylene bags and its kinetic and thermodynamic behaviour In: Industrial Crops and Products. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 218, 118970, p. 1-16. ISSN 0926-6690.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI]. Bituminous Soil Remediation in the Thermal Plasma Environment In: Sustainability. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 16, Iss. 11, 4855, p. 1-17. ISSN 2071-1050.
Buidovas P. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI]. Carbon supported metal catalyst from seaweed-derived bio-char preparation and characterization via chemisorption In: Open readings 2024: the 67th international conference for students of physics and natural sciences: book of abstracts. Vilnius: Vilnius University press, 2024, Vol. 46, p. 112-112. ISBN 9786090710517.
Buidovas P. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI]. Kompozitinių medžiagų terminis skaidymas ir gautų produktų analizė In: Studentų moksliniai tyrimai 2023/2024: konferencijos pranešimų santraukos. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslo taryba, 2024, p. 285-285. ISSN 2669-2074.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Bašinskas M. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Maziukienė M. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Buidovas P. [LEI], Milčius D. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI]. Application of TiH2 dehydrogenation for vapour layer formation under boiling crisis conditions In: Applied Thermal Engineering. Oxford: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 247, 122935, p. 1-17. ISSN 1359-4311.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Revolutionizing Glass Manufacturing:The GIFFT ConceptBased on Sustainable and Cost-Efficient Solutions In: Conference Proceedings - 10th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology (REGATEC) 15-16 May 2024, Lund, Sweden. Lund: Renewable Energy Technology International AB, 2024, p. 101-102. ISBN 978-91-981149-9-7.
Bykov E. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Jančauskas A. [LEI], Ambrazevičius I. [LEI]. Study on spectral characteristics from plasma-assisted flames of ammonia-biogas mixtures with different NH3 content In: LOW -Carbon Combustion 3rd Edition, 25-26 April 2024, Nancy, France. Nancy: LRGP CNRS-University of Lorraine, and the French and British sections of the Combustion Institute, 2024, p. 66-66..
Striūgas N. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI]. Plasma-assisted combustion for energy intense industry In: LOW -Carbon Combustion 3rd Edition, 25-26 April 2024, Nancy, France. Nancy: LRGP CNRS-University of Lorraine, and the French and British sections of the Combustion Institute, 2024, p. 61-61..
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Ambrazevičius I. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Experimental investigation on fluidized bed combustion of smashed corn cob at 650-700 ◦c temperatures In: LOW -Carbon Combustion 3rd Edition, 25-26 April 2024, Nancy, France. Nancy: LRGP CNRS-University of Lorraine, and the French and British sections of the Combustion Institute, 2024, p. 18-19..
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Ambrazevičius I. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Lemanas E. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Performance of Corn Cob Combustion in a Low-Temperature Fluidized Bed In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 17, Iss. 9, 2196, p. 1-16. ISSN 1996-1073.
Buivydas E. [LEI], Navickas K., Venslauskas K. [LEI]. A Life Cycle Assessment of Methane Slip in Biogas Upgrading Based on Permeable Membrane Technology with Variable Methane Concentration in Raw Biogas In: Sustainability. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 16, Iss. 8, 3323, p. 1-18. ISSN 2071-1050.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Co-pyrolysis of waste wind turbine blades and biomass and their kinetic analysis using artificial neural network In: Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 179, 106495, p. 1-10. ISSN 0165-2370.
Bykov E. [LEI], Jančauskas A. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Plasma assisted combustion of different biogas mixtures in low swirl burner In: Fuel. London: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 368, 131602, p. 1-10. ISSN 0016-2361.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Pyrolysis kinetic behaviour, TG‑FTIR, and GC/MS analysis of cigarette butts and their components In: Biomass conversion and biorefinery. Heidelberg: Springer, 2024, Vol. 14, p. 6903-6923. ISSN 2190-6815 , eISSN 2190-6823.
Venslauskas K., Navickas K., Rubežius M., Žalys B. [LEI], Gegeckas A.. Processing of Agricultural Residues with a High Concentration of Structural Carbohydrates into Biogas Using Selective Biological Products In: Sustainability. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 16, Iss. 4, 1553, p. 1-13. ISSN 2071-1050.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Bašinskas M. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Maziukienė M. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Makarevičius V. [LEI]. Magnesium Hydride: Investigating Its Capability to Maintain Stable Vapor Film In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 17. Iss. 3, 661, p. 1-12. ISSN 1996-1073.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Stasiulaitienė I., Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Recovery of energy and carbon fibre from wind turbine blades waste (carbon fibre/unsaturated polyester resin) using pyrolysis process and its life-cycle assessment In: Environmental Research . San Diego: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 245, 118016, p. 14. ISSN 0013-9351.
Jančauskas A. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Buinevičius K.. Experimental investigation of sorted municipal solid wastes producer gas composition in an updraft fixed bed gasifier In: Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 289, 130063, p. 1-11. ISSN 0360-5442, eISSN 1873-6785.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Synthesis of value-added aromatic chemicals from catalytic pyrolysis of waste wind turbine blades and their kinetic analysis using artificial neural network In: Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis . Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 177, 106330, p. 1-15. ISSN 0165-2370.
Yousef S., Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Plasma steam gasification of surgical mask waste for hydrogen-rich syngas production In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy . Kidlington: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 49, Part A, p. 1375-1386. ISSN 0360-3199.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Recovery of styrene from waste wind turbine blades (fberglass/ polyester resin composites) using pyrolysis treatment and its kinetic behavior In: Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry. Dordrecht: Springer, 2024, Vol. 149, p. 521-538. ISSN 1388-6150 , eISSN 1572-8943.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Thermal decomposition of CNTs and graphene-reinforced glass fibers/epoxy and their kinetics In: Biomass conversion and biorefinery. Heidelberg: Springer, 2024, Vol. 14, p. 869-889. Scopus. ISSN 2190-6815, eISSN 2190-6823.


Žalys B. [LEI], Venslauskas K., Navickas K.. Microbial Pretreatment for Biogas: Analyzing Dairy Rumen Anaerobic Bacteria Inoculum’s Impact on Alfalfa Biomass and Energy Value In: Processes. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 11, Iss. 12, 3384, p. 1-10. ISSN 2227-9717.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI]. Biomass gasification to syngas in thermal water vapor arc discharge plasma In: Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery . Heidelberg: Springer, 2023, Vol. 13, p. 16373-16384. ISSN 2190-6815.
Kiminaitė I. [LEI], González-Arias J., Striūgas N. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Seemann M.. Syngas Production from Protective Face Masks through Pyrolysis/Steam Gasification In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 16, Iss. 14, 5417, p. 1-14. ISSN 1996-1073.
Bykov E. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Plasma assisted combustion of different biogas mixtures in low swirl burner for combustion efficiency In: 15th International Conference on Combustion Technologies for a Clean Environment (Clean Air 2023) June 25, 2023 - June 29, 2023. Lisbon: Instituto Superior Técnico, 2023, p. 1-6..
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Oxygen enriched combustion of low calorific gas in a 200 kw burner In: 15th International Conference on Combustion Technologies for a Clean Environment (Clean Air 2023) June 25, 2023 - June 29, 2023. Instituto Superior Técnico, 2023, p. 1-5..
Jančauskas A. [LEI], Bykov E. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI]. Valorisation of ultra-low calorific value biogas using plasma-assisted combustion In: International Sustainable Resource Recovery Strategies Towards Zero Waste (FULLRECO4US) Conference. Istanbul: COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), 2023, p. 62-62..
Bykov E. [LEI], Jančauskas A. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI]. Gliding arc/DBD type of plasma assisted combustion of low-calorific value gas in low swirl burner for combustion efficiency In: Book of Abstracts International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas - PLASMA 2023”. Warsaw: IFPILM, 2023, p. 98-99..
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Thermal analysis of magnesium hydride In: Book of Abstracts SMS /NanoMed /Sensors/EGF 2023 Joint Conferences 25 - 27 October 2023. Albufeira: Setcor, 2023, p. 104-104..
Jančauskas A. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI]. Bioplastic degradation under reallife Conditions: characterization by FTIR-ATR and FTIR-TGA methods In: 19th international symposium on waste management, resource recovery and sustainable landfilling / 9-13 october 2023. Sardinia. Sardinia: 2023, p. 1-9. ISSN 2282-0027 ISBN 9788862650335.
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Jančauskas A. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI]. The investigation of catalytic Decomposition of waste fishing nets For energy products recovery In: 19th international symposium on waste management, resource recovery and sustainable landfilling / 9-13 october 2023. Sardinia: 2023, p. 1-10. ISSN 2282-0027 ISBN 9788862650335.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI]. H2 Rich Syngas Production by Catalytic Gasification of End of Life Face Masks In: Book of Abstracts 18th conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, September 24-29 2023. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2023, p. 710-710. ISSN 2706-3690 (digital proceedings).
Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Plastic Waste Conversion to Solid Carbon Through Carbonisation – the Impact of Chemical Pre-Treatment Conditions In: Book of Abstracts 18th conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, September 24-29 2023. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2023, p. 705-705. ISSN 2706-3690 (digital proceedings).
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Pyrolysis of cigarette butts as a sustainable strategy to recover triacetin for low-cost and efficient biodiesel production In: Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2023, Vol. 175, 106167, p. 1-10. ISSN 0165-2370, eISSN 1873-250X.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Pyrolysis kinetic behaviour and thermodynamic analysis of waste wind turbine blades (carbon fibres/unsaturated polyester resin) In: Energy sources, Part A: Recovery, utilization and environmental effects. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis, 2023, Vol. 45, Iss. 4, p. 10505-10522. ISSN 1556-7036, eISSN 1556-7230.
Buivydas E. [LEI], Žalys B. [LEI], Navickas K., Venslauskas K., Župerka V., Rubežius M.. Chicken manure and cow slurry co-digestion with pig fat waste: a comparative analysis of biogas production parameters In: CYSENI 2023: 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 18-18. ISSN 2783-6339.
Buidovas P. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Bašinskas M. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Makarevičius V. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI]. Thermal pre-treatment effect on tih2 thermal decomposition In: CYSENI 2023: 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 54-54. ISSN 2783-6339.
Bykov E. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Buidovas P. [LEI]. Influence of the plasma assistance on chemiluminescence from flames of artificial biogas mixture In: CYSENI 2023: 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 46-46. ISSN 2783-6339.
Žalys B. [LEI]. The influence of dairy rumen anaerobic bacteria inoculum on biogas yield from grass biomass In: CYSENI 2023: 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 45-45. ISSN 2783-6339.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Mohamed A., Abdelnaby M. A.. Pyrolysis Kinetic Behavior and Thermodynamic Analysis of PET Nonwoven Fabric In: Materials. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 16, 6079, p. 1-17. ISSN 1996-1944.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Recovery of styrene-rich oil and glass fibres from fibres-reinforced unsaturated polyester resin end-of-life wind turbine blades using pyrolysis technology In: Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis . Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2023, Vol. 173, 106100, p. 1-11..
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Jančauskas A. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI]. Catalytical seaweed pyrolysis over ZSM-5 and Y-Type catalysts under the different temperature for the gathered products analysis In: 10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (CHANIA 2023). Chania: 2023, p. 1-2..
Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Jančauskas A. [LEI]. On the gasification of end-of-life plastic waste in an air/oxygen/steam atmosphere In: 10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (CHANIA 2023). Chania: 2023, p. 1-2..
Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Lisauskas A. [LEI], Jančauskas A. [LEI]. Syngas methanation over a metal hydride catalyst: Technology performance, efficiency and economic profitability In: Energy Conversion and Management. Oxford: Elsevier, 2023, Vol. 291, 117322, p. 1-13. ISSN 0196-8904, eISSN 1879-2227.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Dehydrogenation on the surfaces by affecting vapour formation In: 15th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering – MECCE . Barcelona: 2023, p. 1-2..
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Bykov E. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI]. Effects of Plasma-Produced Ozone on Flame Chemiluminescence and Pollutant Emissions of Biogas with Different CO2 Content In: Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing . New York: Springer, 2023, Vol. 43, p. 831-847. ISSN 0272-4324, eISSN 1572-8986.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Mohamed A., Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Phenol and benzoic acid recovery from end-of-life of polysulfone ultrafiltration membranes and its thermochemical kinetic behaviour In: Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. JAV: Taylor & Francis Group, 2023, Vol. 45, No. 2, p. 6043-6061. ISSN 1556-7036, eISSN 1556-7230.
Yousef S., Lekavičius V. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Techno-Economic Analysis of Thermochemical Conversion of Waste Masks Generated in the EU during COVID-19 Pandemic into Energy Products In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 16, Iss. 9, 3948, p. 1-14. ISSN 1996-1073.
Špečkauskienė J., Striūgas N. [LEI]. COVID-19 trisluoksnių vienkartinių kaukių dujofikacijos tyrimas ir gautų produktų analizė In: Studentų moksliniai tyrimai: 2022/2023 konferencijos pranešimų santraukos. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslo taryba, 2023, p. 104-105. ISSN 2669-2074.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Jančauskas A. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. An eco-friendly strategy for recovery of H2-CH4-rich syngas, benzene-rich tar and carbon nanoparticles from surgical mask waste using an updraft gasifier system In: Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects . Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis Group, 2023, Vol. 45, No. 2, p. 5063-5080. ISSN 1556-7036, eISSN 1556-7230.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Jančauskas A. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI]. Complex study of bioplastics: Degradation in soil and characterization by FTIR-ATR and FTIR-TGA methods In: Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2023, Vol. 274, 127320, p. 1-10. ISSN 0360-5442.
Pranckietienė I., Navickas K., Venslauskas K., Jodaugienė D., Buivydas E. [LEI], Žalys B. [LEI], Vagusevičienė I.. The Effect of Digestate from Liquid Cow Manure on Spring Wheat Chlorophyll Content, Soil Properties, and Risk of Leaching In: Agronomy. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 13, Iss. 3, 626, p. 1-15..
Žalys B. [LEI], Venslauskas M., Navickas K., Buivydas E. [LEI], Rubežius M.. The Influence of CO2 Injection into Manure as a Pretreatment Method for Increased Biogas Production In: Sustainability. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 15, Iss. 4, 3670, p. 1-14. ISSN 2071-1050.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Catalytic pyrolysis and kinetic study of glass fibre-reinforced epoxy resin over CNTs, graphene and carbon black particles/ZSM-5 zeolite hybrid catalysts In: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Dordrecht: Springer, 2023, Early access, p. 1-16. Scopus. ISSN 1388-6150, eISSN 1588-2926.


Li G., Kujawski W., Tonkonogovas A. [LEI], Knozowska K., Kujawa J., Olewnik-Kruszkowska E., Pedišius N. [LEI], Stankevičius A. [LEI]. Evaluation of CO2 separation performance with enhanced features of materials – Pebax® 2533 mixed matrix membranes containing ZIF-8-PEI@[P(3)HIm][Tf2N] In: Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 181, p. 195-208. Scopus . ISSN 0263-8762.
Bykov E. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI]. Emission Spectroscopy of CH4/CO2 Mixtures Processed in a Non-Thermal Plasma Augmented Burner In: Catalysts. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 12, 1540, p. 1-16. Scopus. ISSN 2073-4344.
Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI]. Investigation of Waste Biomass and 3 Ply Covid-19 Masks Co-Pyrolysis Products In: Book of abstracts 17th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems November 6 -10 2022 Paphos, Cyprus. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2022, p. 261-261. ISSN 2706-3690.
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Jančauskas A. [LEI]. Pyrolysis of Marine Wastes and an Analysis of the Formed Products In: Book of abstracts 17th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems November 6 -10 2022 Paphos, Cyprus. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2022, p. 568-568. ISSN 2706-3690.
Bykov E. [LEI], Paulauskas R., Striūgas N. [LEI]. Emission spectroscopy of various composition biogases treated in a non-thermal plasma reactor In: Book of abstracts 17th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems November 6-10 2022 Paphos, Cyprus. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2022, p. 265-265. ISSN 2706-3690.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Maziukienė M. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Makarevičius V. [LEI], Poškaitė A., Bašinskas M.. Investigation of vapour film formation on nanolayer surfaces to reduce drag on marine vessels In: Book of abstracts 17th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems November 6-10 2022 Paphos, Cyprus. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2022, p. 473-473. ISSN 2706-3690.
Paulauskas R., Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI]. Flame Chemiluminescence from Premixed Biogas/Air Flames under Syngas and Ozone Enrichment In: Book of abstracts 17th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems November 6 -10 2022 Paphos, Cyprus. Paphos: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2022, p. 267-267. ISSN 2706-3690.
Atmakuri A., Palevičius A., Janušas G., Eimontas J. [LEI]. Investigation of Hemp and Flax Fiber-Reinforced EcoPoxy Matrix Biocomposites: Morphological, Mechanical, and Hydrophilic Properties In: Polymers. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 14, Iss. 21, 4530, p. 1-21. ISSN 2073-4360.
Samukaitė Bubnienė U., Žukauskas Š., Ratautaitė V., Vilkienė M., Mockevičienė I., Liustrovaitė V., Drobysh M., Lisauskas A. [LEI], Ramanavičius S., Ramanavičius A.. Assessment of Cytochrome c and Chlorophyll a as Natural Redox Mediators for Enzymatic Biofuel Cells Powered by Glucose In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 15, Iss. 18, 6838, p. 1-15. ISSN 1996-1073.
Kiminaitė I. [LEI]. Catalytic pyrolysis tg-ftir investigation of sunflower seed shells biomas In: CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 324-331. ISSN 2783-6339.
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Špečkauskienė J.. Thermal conversion of the seaweed using pyrolysis process and an analysis of the formed products In: CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 310-314. ISSN 2783-6339.
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Špečkauskienė J.. Thermal conversion of the seaweed using pyrolysis process and an analysis of the formed product In: CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 310-314. ISSN 2783-6339.
Bykov E. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Plasma applied burners for combusting low calorific value gases In: CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 302-309. ISSN 2783-6339.
Žalys B. [LEI], Buivydas E. [LEI], Navickas K., Venslauskas K., Rubežius M., Župerka V.. The influence of CO2 pretreatment of dairy manure for biogas production In: CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 122-124. ISSN 2783-6339.
Lisauskas A. [LEI], Kveselis V. [LEI], Dzenajavičienė Farida E. [LEI], Masaitis S. [LEI], Perednis E. [LEI]. Analysis of energy audits results and impacts: case of small and medium enterprises in Lithuania In: Energy Efficiency. Dordrecht: Springer, 2022, Vol. 15, Iss. 7, 48, p. 1-19. ISSN 1570-646X, eISSN 1570-6478.
Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Lisauskas A. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Fabrication and Characterization of a MFC Anode from Biochar In: Conference proceedings - 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology 17 – 18 May 2022, Malmö, Sweden. Malmö: Renewable Energy Technology International AB, 2022, p. 73-74. ISBN 978-91-981149-7-3.
Yousef S., Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Recovery of phenol and acetic acid from glass fibre reinforced thermoplastic resin using catalytic pyrolysis process on ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst and its kinetic behaviour In: Thermochimica Acta . Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 715, 179293, p. 1-10. ISSN 0040-6031, eISSN 1872-762X.
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Navickas K., Venslauskas K.. Synergetic approach for energy recovery from coastal wastes based on combination of biological and thermal treatment In: Environmental Technology. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Group, 2022, Vol. 43, No. 18, p. 2755-2770. ISSN 0959-3330.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Effect of aluminum leaching pretreatment on catalytic pyrolysis of metallised food packaging plastics and its linear and nonlinear kinetic behaviourS In: Science of the total environment. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 844, 157150, p. 1-13. Scopus . ISSN 0048-9697, eISSN 1879-1026.
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Kiminaitė I. [LEI]. Marine biomass and plastic waste thermal utilization over the commercial and biochar catalyst for energy products recovery In: 9th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management . Corfu: National Technical University of Athens, 2022, SESSION XV, p. 1-2..
Jančauskas A. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI]. Municipal solid wastes (MSW) gasification process in fixed bed updraft conditions In: 9th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management. Corfu: National Technical University of Athens, 2022, SESSION XVIΙ, p. 1-2..
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Jančauskas A. [LEI]. Energy recovery from pyrolysis using non-recycled plastic In: 9th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management . Corfu: National Technical University of Athens, 2022, Poster Session 002, p. 1-7..
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Combustion performance of low calorific gas enriched by oxygen and ozone In: Fuel. Bristol: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 324, 124761, p. 1-11. ISSN 0016-2361.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI]. Biomethane Production from Raw Syngas over a Metal Hydride Catalyst In: Book of abstracts 5th South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy,Water and Environmental Systems, May 22-26 Vlore, Albania.. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2022, SEE2022.0114, p. 150-150. ISSN 2706-3682 (Digital proceedings).
Striūgas N. [LEI]. Effect of Moisture Content of Solid Woody Biofuel on the Boilers Performance In: The 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 19th-22nd April, 2022-Algarve-Portugal. 2022, S10, p. 1-8..
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Stasiulaitienė I., Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Pyrolysis of all layers of surgical mask waste as a mixture and its life-cycle assessment In: Sustainable Production and Consumption. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 32, p. 519-531. ISSN 2352-5509.
Buivydas E. [LEI], Navickas K., Venslauskas K. [LEI], Žalys B. [LEI], Župerka V., Rubežius M.. Biogas Production Enhancement through Chicken Manure Co-Digestion with Pig Fat In: Applied sciences. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 9, 4652, p. 1-17. ISSN 2076-3417.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. A new strategy for butanol extraction from COVID-19 mask using catalytic pyrolysis process over ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst and its kinetic behavior In: Thermochimica acta. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 711, 179198, p. 1-13. Scopus. ISSN 0040-6031.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Galinis A. [LEI], Lekavičius V. [LEI], Kurkela E., Kurkela M., Lukoševičius R., Radinas M., Šermukšnienė A.. Renewable transport fuel production combined with cogeneration plant operation and waste heat recovery in district heating system In: Renewable Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 189, p. 952-969. ISSN 0960-1481, eISSN 1879-0682.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Waste glycerol gasification to syngas in pure DC water vapor arc plasma In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy . Oxford: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 47, Iss. 24, p. 12219-12230. Scopus. ISSN 0360-3199, eISSN 1879-3487.
Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Lisauskas A. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Kryževičius Ž.. Fabrication and Characterization of Environmentally Friendly Biochar Anode In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 15, 112, p. 1-13. ISSN 1996-1073.
Yousef S., Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Catalytic pyrolysis kinetic behaviour of glass fibre-reinforced epoxy resin composites over ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst In: Fuel. Oxford: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 315, 123235, p. 1-10. ISSN 0016-2361, eISSN 1873-7153.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Gasification kinetics of char derived from metallised food packaging plastics waste pyrolysis In: Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 239, pt. B, 122070, p. 1-14. ISSN 0360+5442.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Mohamed A., Abdelnaby M. A.. Pyrolysis kinetic behavior and TG-FTIR-GC–MS analysis of end-life ultrafiltration polymer nanocomposite membranes In: Chemical Engineering Journal. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 428, 131181, p. 1-14. ISSN 1385-8947, eISSN 1385-8947.


Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Subadra S. P., Abdelnaby M. A.. Thermal degradation and pyrolysis kinetic behaviour of glass fibre-reinforced thermoplastic resin by TG-FTIR, Py-GC/MS, linear and nonlinear isoconversional models In: Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2021, Vol. 15, p. 5360-5374. ISSN 2238-7854.
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI]. Effect of Ozone on Combustion Performance of BioMethane (SNG) and Low Calorific Gas In: 8th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Thessaloniki, Greece, 23 - 26 JUNE 2021 . National Technical University of Athens, 2021, p. 1-1..
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Kiminaitė I. [LEI]. Catalytical Thermal Conversion of Marine Biomass and Plastic Wastes for a Higher Added Value Energy Products Generation In: 8th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Thessaloniki, Greece, 23 - 26 JUNE 2021. Thessaloniki: National Technical University of Athens, 2021, p. 1-1..
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Waste Gas Utilization by Combining Operation with Syngas Conversion to Biomethane Technology In: Book of abstracts 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) . Dubrovnik: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, 2021, p. 600-600. ISSN 1847-7178 (digital proceedings).
Stravinskas G. [LEI], Šlančiauskas A. [LEI]. TG pyrolysis of a mixture of dried sludge from urban wastewater and wood pellets and identification of the composition of the resulting gases by infrared spectroscopy In: Energetika. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2021, Vol. 67, Nr. 1-2, p. 35-47. Scopus . ISSN 0235-7208.
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Thermal treatment of digested seaweed and products analysis In: The 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2021) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2021, p. 538-541. ISSN 1822-7554.
Buivydas E. [LEI], Žalys B. [LEI], Navickas K., Venslauskas K., Župerka V., Rubežius M.. Utilization of poultry by-products by anaerobic codigestion with cow slurry In: The 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2021) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021 . Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2021, p. 142-143. ISSN 1822-7554.
Žalys B. [LEI], Buivydas E. [LEI], Navickas K., Venslauskas K., Rubežius M., Župerka V.. Influence of anaerobic co-digestion of poultry manure and chicken carcasses on biogas yield and methane concentration In: The 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2021) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021 . Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2021, p. 127-129. ISSN 1822-7554.
Konstantinavičiūtė I. [LEI], Byčenkienė S., Plauškaitė-Šukienė K., Striūgas N. [LEI], Sadeckas M. [LEI], Vonžodas T. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI]. Evaluation of emission factors for air polutants from biomass combustion in Lithuania In: 1st IAEE Online conference “ENERGY, COVID and CLIMATE CHANGE”, 7-9 June 2021. Paris: International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE), 2021, p. 1-2..
Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI]. Process Performance Comparison of CO2 and Syngas Conversion to Biomethane over a Metal Hydride Catalyst In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Florence: EUBIA-European Biomass Industry Association, 2021, p. 1317-1320. Scopus. ISSN 2282-5819 ISBN 978-88-89407-21-9.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Urbonas R. [LEI], Mergner R., Ball I., Janssen R., Rutz D., Pažėraitė A. [LEI], Genys D., Fendt S., Bastek S., Seemann M.. Twinning For Promoting Excellence, Ability and Knowledge to Develop Advanced Waste Gasification Solutions In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Florence: EUBIA-European Biomass Industry Association, 2021, p. 1396-1399. Scopus. ISSN 2282-5819, eISSN 978-88-89407-21-9.
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Voznikaitė P.. Seaweed and Used Fishing Nets Thermal Conversion into Valuable Energy Products In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Florence: EUBIA-European Biomass Industry Association, 2021, p. 849-853. Scopus. ISSN 2282-5819 ISBN 978-88-89407-21-9.
Eimontas J. [LEI], Yousef S., Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Catalytic pyrolysis kinetic behaviour and TG-FTIR-GCeMS analysis of waste fishing nets over ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst for caprolactam recovery In: Renewable Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 179, p. 1385-1403. Renewable Energy. ISSN 0960-1481.
Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Conversion of sunflower seed shells into valuable energy products and their analysis In: Industrial engineering 2021: international young researchers conference notification material, May 13, 2021, Kaunas, Lithuania . Kaunas: Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2021, p. 81-86. ISSN 2538-6727.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Influence of carbon black filler on pyrolysis kinetic behaviour and TGFTIR-GCeMS analysis of glass fibre reinforced polymer composites In: Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 233, 121167, p. 1-14. ISSN 0360-5442 , eISSN 1873-6785.
Kiminaitė I. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI]. Saulėgrąžų sėklų lukštų TG-GC/MS pirolizės tyrimas, panaudojant ZSM-5 katalizatorių In: Studentų mokslinės konferencijos „Chemija ir cheminė technologija 2021“ pranešimų medžiaga: respublikinė studentų mokslinė konferencija, 2021 05 14 / rinkinio sudarytojai: T. Dambrauskas, G. Kručaitė, D. Sinkevičiūtė; Kauno technologijos universitetas. Cheminės technologijos fakultetas. Kaunas: Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2021, p. 99-102..
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Pyrolysis Kinetic Behaviour of Glass Fibre-Reinforced Epoxy Resin Composites Using Linear and Nonlinear Isoconversional Methods In: Polymers. Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 13, Iss. 10, 1543, p. 1-18. ISSN 2073-4360.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Pyrolysis and gasification kinetic behavior of mango seed shells using TG-FTIR-GC–MS system under N2 and CO2 atmospheres In: Renewable energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 173, p. 733-749. ISSN 0960-1481, eISSN 1879-0682.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Pyrolysis kinetic behaviour and TG-FTIR-GC–MS analysis of Coronavirus Face Masks In: Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis. Amsterdam: „Elsevier Science“ grupė, 2021, Vol. 156, 105118, p. 1-10. ISSN 0165-2370 .
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI]. Combustion of waste gas in a low-swirl burner under syngas and oxygen enrichment In: Fuel. Oxford: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 298, 120730, p. 1-12. ISSN 0016-2361, eISSN 1873-7153.
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. An Intensification of Biomass and Waste Char Gasification in a Gasifier In: Energies . Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 14, Iss. 7, 1983, p. 1-12. ISSN 1996-1073.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Mohamed A.. A new strategy for using lint-microfibers generated from clothes dryer as a sustainable source of renewable energy In: Science of The Total Environment . Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 762, 143107, p. 1-12. ISSN 0048-9697, eISSN 1879-1026.
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Navickas K., Venslauskas K.. Synergetic approach for energy recovery from coastal wastes based on combination of biological and thermal treatment In: Environmental Technology . Abingdon: Taylor & Francis, 2021, vol. 42, p. 1-17. ISSN 0959-3330 , eISSN 1479-487X.
Ayaz M., Stulpinaitė U., Feizienė D., Tilvikienė V., Akthar K., Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė E., Striūgas N. [LEI], Rehmani U., Alam S., Iqbal R., Toleikienė M., Doyeni M.. Pig manure digestate-derived biochar for soil management and crop cultivation in heavy metals contaminated soil In: Soil Use and Management. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2021, Latest articles, p. 1-15. Scopus . ISSN 0266-0032, eISSN 1475-2743.
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A., Yousef S.. Catalytic Pyrolysis Kinetic Behavior and TG-FTIR-GC–MS Analysis of Metallized Food Packaging Plastics with Different Concentrations of ZSM-5 Zeolite Catalyst In: Polymers. Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 13, Iss. 5, art. no. 702, p. 1-16. ISSN 2073-4360.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Mohamed A., Abdelnaby M. A.. Morphology, compositions, thermal behavior and kinetics of pyrolysis of lint-microfibers generated from clothes dryer In: Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis . Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 155, 105037, p. 1-12. ISSN 0165-2370.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Microcrystalline paraffin wax, biogas, carbon particles and aluminum recovery from metallised food packaging plastics using pyrolysis, mechanical and chemical treatments In: Journal of Cleaner Production . Oxford: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 290, 125878, p. 1-15. ISSN 0959-6526.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Mohamed A.. A new strategy for using lint-microfibers generated from clothes dryer as a sustainable source of renewable energy In: Science of The Total Environment . Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 762, 143107, p. 1-12. ISSN 0048-9697.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Subadra S. P., Striūgas N. [LEI]. Functionalization of char derived from pyrolysis of metallised food packaging plastics waste and its application as a filler in fiberglass/epoxy composites In: Process safety and environmental protection. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, vol. 147, p. 723-733. ISSN 0957-5820, eISSN 1744-3598.
Tilvikienė V., Cesevičienė J., Feizienė D., Lisauskas A. [LEI], Dzenajavičienė Farida E. [LEI]. Netradicinis žemės ūkio biomasės panaudojimas In: MANO ŪKIS . Kaunas: Lietuvos žemės ūkio konsultavimo tarnyba, 2021, Nr. 2, p. 34-37..


Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Biomass gasification in the air and oxygen environment and the producer gas cleaning by ceramic fiber filters In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Marsel: 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 2020, p. 477-480. Scopus . ISBN 978-88-89407-20-2.
Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Investigation of seaweed thermostability and basic parameters In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Marsel: 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 2020, p. 606-610. Scopus . ISBN 978-88-89407-20-2.
Lelis M. [LEI], Varnagiris Š. [LEI], Urbonavičius M. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Investigation of Catalyst Development from Mg2NiH4 Hydride and Its Application for the CO2 Methanation Reaction In: Coatings. Basel: MDPI, 2020, vol. 10 (12), 1178, p. 1-15. ISSN 2079-6412.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI]. Flame Stabilization of Low Calorific Biogas in a Low Swirl Burner In: 4th South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), June 28 - July 2, 2020. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2020, p. 141-141. ISSN 2706-3682.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI]. Tail biogas flame stabilization by assistance of thermal plasma reformer In: 12th European conference on industrial furnaces and boilers Infub-12 Online/Live, 10th-11th Nowember Porto, Portugalija“. Porto: 2020, p. 1-5. ISBN 978-972-99309-7-3.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Lisauskas A. [LEI]. Investigation of Waste Biogas Flame Stability Under Oxygen or Hydrogen-Enriched Conditions In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2020, Vol. 13, 4760, p. 1-16. ISSN 1996-1073.
Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Žaltauskaitė J., Pedišius N. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Comprehensive evaluation of sewage sludge and sewage sludge char soil amendment impact on the industrial hemp growth performance and heavy metal accumulation In: Industrial Crops and Products. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 150, 112396, p. 1-13. ISSN 0926-6690.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI]. Chemiluminescence-based characterization of tail biogas combustion stability under syngas and oxygen-enriched conditions In: Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. New York: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 116, 110133, p. 1-10. ISSN 0894-1777.
Jasiūnas L., Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Miknius L.. Wet and Coarse: The Robustness of Two-Stage Crude Glycerol Mediated Solvothermal Liquefaction of Residual Biomass In: Waste and Biomass Valorization. Dordrecht: Springer, 2020, Vol. 11, Iss. 5, p. 2171-2181. ISSN 1877-2641, eISSN 1877-265X .
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Martuzevičius D., Patel R. B., Pelders J. E. H., Nijdam S., Dam N. J., Tichonovas M., Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Biogas combustion with various oxidizers in a nanosecond DBD microplasma burner In: Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. New York: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 118, 110166, p. 1-11. ISSN 0894-1777.
Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Parameters influencing wet biofuel drying during combustion in grate furnaces In: Fuel. Oxford: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 265, 117013, p. 1-10. ISSN 0016-2361.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI]. A sustainable approach for plasma reforming of tail biogas for onsite syngas production during lean combustion operation In: Energy Conversion and Management. Oxford: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 209, 112617, p. 1-11. ISSN 0196-8904.
Yousef S., Eimontas J. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Trofimov E., Hamdy M., Abdelnaby M. A.. Conversion of end-of-life cotton banknotes into liquid fuel using mini-pyrolysis plant In: Journal of Cleaner Production. Oxford: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 267, 121612, p. 1-19. ISSN 0959-6526.
Yousef S., Eimontas J., Striūgas N. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Modeling of Metalized Food Packaging Plastics Pyrolysis Kinetics Using an Independent Parallel Reactions Kinetic Model In: Polymers. Basel: MDPI, 2020, Vol. 12, Iss. 8, p. 1-14. ISSN 2073+4360.
Yousef S., Eimontas J., Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Abdelnaby M. A.. Pyrolysis kinetic behavior and TG-FTIR-GC–MS analysis of metallised food packaging plastics In: Fuel. Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 282, 118737, ISSN 0016-2361.
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Sadeckas M. [LEI], Sommersacher P., Retschitzegger S., Kienzl N.. Online determination of potassium and sodium release behaviour during single particle biomass combustion by FES and ICP-MS In: Science of The Total Environment. Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 746, 141162, ISSN 0048-9697.
Cerone N., Zimbardi F., Contuzzi l., Baleta J., Cerinski D., Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI]. Experimental investigation of syngas composition variation along updraft fixed bed gasifier In: Energy Conversion and Management. Oxford: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 221, 113116, p. 1-8. ISSN 0196-8904.


Misiulis E. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Skarbalius G. [LEI]. The FSI framework for the numerical modeling of the arterial blood flow and its application in the clinical case scenario In: International Conference Multiscale Modeling in Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction October 7-11, 2019 . Vilnius: Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, 2019, p. 12-12..
Navakas R. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI], Skarbalius G. [LEI]. Network analysis of velocity fields in moving granular media In: Book of abstracts 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods 21-26 July 2019. University of Twente , 2019, p. 221-221..
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI]. Gasification of Waste Cooking Oil to Syngas by Thermal Arc Plasma In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 13, p. 1-3. ISSN 1996-1073.
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI]. Thermal analysis of waste fishing nets for polymer recovery In: Waste and Biomass Valorization. Dordrecht: Springer, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 12, p. 3735-3744. ISSN 1877-2641, eISSN 1877-265X.
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Jõgi I., Striūgas N. [LEI], Martuzevičius D., Erme K., Raud J., Tichonovas M.. Application of non-thermal plasma for NOx reduction in the flue gases In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 20, p. 1-13..
Striūgas N. [LEI], Sadeckas M. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI]. Investigation of K*, Na* and Ca* flame emission during single biomass particle combustion In: Combustion Science and Technology. Philadelphia: Taylor&Francis, 2019, Vol. 191, Iss. 1, p. 151-162. ISSN 0010-2202, eISSN 1563-521X.
Vorotinskienė L. [LEI]. Parameters affecting biomass drying during combustion in moving grate furnaces In: Energetika. Vilnius: Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2019, Vol. 65, No. 1, p. 71-84. ISSN 0235-7208.


Striūgas N. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Poškas R. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Sewage sludge gasification with plasma processing In: Conference proceedings 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology . Toulouse, France: REGATEC, 2018, p. 129-130. ISBN 978-91-981149-4-2.
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Investigation on Syngas Assisted Combustion for Low Emission Operation in Gas Burner In: 26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 14-17 May 2018. Copenhagen, Denmark: 2018, p. 403-407. ISSN 2282-5819.
Misiulis E. [LEI], Skarbalius G., Džiugys A. [LEI]. Numerical evaluation of systematic errors of a non-invasive intracranial pressure measurement In: Energetika. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2018, T. 64, Nr. 3, p. 121-136. ISSN 0235-7208.
Sadeckas M. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Andriūnas P., Navakas R. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Rabacal M., Costa M.. Spontaneous emission measurements of selected alkali radicals during the combustion of a single biomass pellet In: Energy fuels. Washinton, USA: American Chemical Society, 2018, Vol. 32 (10), p. 10132-10143. ISSN 0887-0624, eISSN 1520-5029.
Misiulis E. [LEI], Skarbalius G., Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI]. Numerical model of packed bed drying of wetted wood chips with high moisture content In: The 13the conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems- SDEWES september 30-october 4, 2018 in Plermo, Italy. Palermo, Italy: 2018, p. 1-22..
Kalpokaitė Dičkuvienė R. [LEI], Lukošiūtė I. [LEI], Brinkienė K. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Baltušnikas A. [LEI], Lukauskaitė R., Čėsnienė J. [LEI]. Utilization of sewage sludge-biomass gasification residue in cement-based materials: effect of pozzolant type In: Environmental technology. Ablington, England: Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, Vol. 39, No. 22, p. 2937-2950. ISSN 0959-3330.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Sadeckas M. [LEI], Sommersacher P., Retschitzegger S.. A Comparison of Two Methods for Determination of K and Na Release Behavior from a Single Biomass Pellet during Combustion In: WSEAS Transactions on environment and development. e-ISSN 1790-5079 / 2224-3496. Vol. 14. 2018. p. 451-456. Greece: WSEAS, 2018, Vol. 14, p. 451-456..
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI]. Disposal of waste fishing gear by pyrolysis In: 6th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management 13-16 June 2018, Greece. p. 1-7. Greece: 2018, p. 1-7..
Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI]. Investigation on parameters affecting biofuel drying during combustion in furnaces In: 6th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management 13-16 June 2018. Greece: 2018, p. 1-13..
Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Elemental Migration and transformation from sewage sludge to residual products during the pyrolysis process In: Energy Fuels. Washington, USA: ACS (American Chemical Society), 2018, Vol. 32, p. 5199-5208. ISSN 0887-0624.
Skarbalius G., Misiulis E. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI]. Numerical modeling of wood chips packed bed drying In: The 15th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (CYSENI 2018) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 23-25, 2018. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2018, p. 374-382. ISSN 1822-7554.
Misiulis E. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI]. Investigation of a complex fluid-structure interaction problem in a patient specific ophthalmic artery using fiber-reinforced artery wall constitutive model In: The 15th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (CYSENI 2018) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 23-25, 2018. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2018, p. 360-367. ISSN 1822-7554.
Saliamonas A. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Research of CH+ chemiluminescence intensity dependence on execess air ratio in premixed natural and producer gas flame In: The 15th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (CYSENI 2018) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 23-25, 2018. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2018, p. 343-350. ISSN 1822-7554.
Sadeckas M. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Investigation of flame monitoring and Na*, K*, Ca* radicals emission during combustion of biomass particle In: The 15th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (CYSENI 2018) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 23-25, 2018. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2018, p. 331-337. ISSN 1822-7554.
Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Investigation of processes in a grate furnace to intensify biofuel drying In: The 15th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (CYSENI 2018) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 23-25, 2018. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2018, p. 142-149. ISSN 1822-7554.
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI]. Investigation of regularities of pelletized biomass thermal deformations during pyrolysis In: Thermal science. Serbia: Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia, 2018, Vol. 22, Iss. 1 Part B, p. 603-612. ISSN 0354-9836.
Raslavičius L., Striūgas N. [LEI], Felneris M.. New insights into algae factories of the future In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Didžioji Britanija, Oxfordas: Elsevier, 2018, Vol. 81, p. 643-654. ISSN 1364-0321.
Poškas R. [LEI], Sirvydas A. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI], Jouhara H., Striūgas N. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Investigation of warm gas clean-up of biofuel flue and producer gas using electrostatic precipitator In: Energy. Oxfordas: Elsevier, 2018, Vol. 143, p. 943-949. ISSN 0360-5442.
Navakas R. [LEI], Saliamonas A. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Effect of producer gas addition and air excess ratio on natural gas flame luminescence In: Fuel. Oxford: Elsevier, 2018, Vol. 217, p. 478-489. ISSN 0016-2361.
Poškas R. [LEI], Sirvydas A. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI], Jouhara H., Striūgas N. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Investigation of warm gas clean-up of biofuel flue and producer gas using electrostatic precipitator In: Energy. 2018, Vol. 143, p. 943-949. ISSN 0360-5442.


Peters B., Džiugys A. [LEI]. Evaluation of heat transfer on a backward acting grate In: Mechanika. 2017, Vol. 20, No. 1, p. 24-34. ISSN 1392-1207, eISSN 2029-6983.
Džiugys A. [LEI], Peters B., Navakas R. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI]. Density segregation on a moving grate In: Powder Technology. 2017, Vol. 305, p. 323-332. ISSN 0032-5910.
Poškas R. [LEI], Sirvydas A. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Investigation of the biofuel flue and producer gases cleaning efficiency using ESP In: E3S Web of Conferences. 7 November 2017. Didžioji Britanija . EDP Sciences, 2017, Vol.22, p. 1-7..
Striūgas N. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Narbutas L.. Estimating the fuel moisture content to control the reciprocating grate furnace firing wet woody biomass In: Energy Conversion and Management . 2017, Vol. 149, p. 937-949. ISSN 0196-8904.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Poškas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Investigation of sewage sludge treatment using air plasma assisted gasification In: Waste Management. 2017, Vol. 64, p. 149-160. ISSN 0956-053X.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Biene T., Vrager A., Roomann T.. Cooperation between Estonia and Lithuania to investigate characteristics of pyrolysed hay pellets In: Energetika (Kronika). Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2017, T. 63, Nr. 3, p. iii-iv. ISSN 0235-7208.
Sadeckas M., Striūgas N. [LEI], Rabacal M., Costa M.. Research of Na*, K* and Ca* flame emission during the single biomass pellet combustion In: Chemistry of smart energy carriers and technologies, 3rd General Meeting and Workshop on SECs in Industry, October 25-27th 2017 Čekija. (el. versija: . Praha: 2017, p. 1-6..
Striūgas N. [LEI], Sadeckas M.. Investigation of Na, K and Ca flame emission during the single biomass particle combustion In: MCS-10: Tenth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 17 – 21 September 2017, Flegrea Area, Italy. Napoli: 2017, p. 1-1..
Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI]. Thermal analysis of polymers by Thermogravimetry (TG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Evolved gas analysis by Fourier infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) In: Book of abstracts of the 4th Central and Eastern European Conference of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC4) 28-31 August 2017 Kishinev. Chisinau: 2017, p. 1-1. ISBN 978-3-940237-47-7.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Sadeckas M.. Investigation of flame chemiluminescence during combustion of single biomass particle In: Chemistry and Diagnostics for Clean Combustion. June 21 - 23, 2017. 2017, p. 1-1..
Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Heavy metal distribution in residual pyrolysis products of anaerobically digested sewage sludge In: The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 51-58. ISSN 1822-7554.
Misiulis E. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI]. An investigation of the balance principle implemented by non-invasive intracranial pressure measurement method by means of computational modeling In: The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 298-307. ISSN 1822-7554.
Sadeckas M., Striūgas N. [LEI]. Flame chemiluminescence and radicals emission research during combustion of single biomass particle In: The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 288-296. ISSN 1822-7554.
Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Investigation of the biofuel drying intensification by experiments imitating the furnace operational processes In: The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 277-286. ISSN 1822-7554.
Navakas R. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Community structure of force chains in granular hopper discharge In: International conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics (ICNAM 2016) 19-25 september 2016. AIP Conference Proceedings 2017. Rhodes, Greece: American Institute of Physics, 2017, Vol. 1863, p. 1-6. ISBN 978-0-7354-1538-6.


Misiulis E. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI]. Effect geometrical chape and boundary condition on stress distribution and deformation in ophthalmic artery numerical model In: 13th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2016), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 26–27, 2016. Kaunas: LEI, 2016. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2016, p. 363-370. ISSN 1822-7554.
Saliamonas A. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Research of oh+ chemiluminecence intensity dependence on execess air raitio in premixed natural and producer gas flame In: 13th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2016), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 26–27, 2016. Kaunas: LEI, 2016.. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2016, p. 271-280. ISSN 1822-7554.
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. The cause and mechanism of pelletized biomass swelling uppon pyrolysis In: 13th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2016), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 26–27, 2016. Kaunas: LEI, 2016. . Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2016, p. 260-265. ISSN 1822-7554.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Narbutas L.. Optimization of automated operation of biomass furnace firing wood chips with varying properties by experimental validation of moisture prediction METhod In: Book of abstracts 11th conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems. Lisbon: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, 2016, p. 1-18. ISSN 1847-7186.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Šlančiauskas A. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Stravinskas G. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Vorotinskienė L. [LEI]. Biomasės ir atliekų dujinimo tyrimai Lietuvoje: esama būklė ir ateities perspektyvos In: Energetika. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2016, T. 62, Nr. 4, p. 282-300. ISSN 0235-7208.
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Granuliuotos biomasės terminės deformacijos pirolizės aplinkoje In: Šilumos energetika ir technologijos-2016: konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2016 sausio 28-29. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2016, p. 60-67. ISSN 2335-2485.
Misiulis E. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI]. Kraštinių sąlygų įtaka įtempių pasiskirstymui ir deformacijoms akies arterijos skaitiniame modelyje In: Šilumos energetika ir technologijos-2016: konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2016 sausio 28-29. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2016, p. 146-154. ISSN 2335-2485.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Valatkevičius P. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. A cleaner production of synthesis gas from glycerol using thermal water steam plasma In: Journal of Cleaner Production. Didžioji Britanija: Elsevier, 2016, Vol. 130, p. 187-194. ISSN 0959-6526.
Maknickas A., Džiugys A. [LEI]. Analytic solutions of incompressible navier-stokes equations by green’s function method (chapter 18) In: Handbook on navien-stokes equations: Theory and applied analysis. Nova science publischers, 2016, p. 1-18. ISBN 978-1-53610-292-5.


Džiugys A. [LEI]. Apgintos daktaro disertacijos In: Energetika. (Kronika) [EBSCO, IndexCopernicus, SCOPUS]. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2015, T. 61, Nr. 2, p. 9-9. ISSN 0235-7208.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Soroka B., Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Vorobyov N.. Thermodynamic analysis and experimental tests of wood waste gasification and combustion plants In: 11th International research and practical conference (УДК 662.76 + 662.99). Kijevas, Ukraina: 2015, p. 25-29..
Misiulis E. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI]. Numerical study of time dependent blood flow in ophthalmic artery with applied external pressure In: 12th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2015), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 27–28, 2015. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2015, p. 270-278. ISSN 1822-7554.
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Experimental research on swelling and shrinking of wood and straw pellets during pyrolysis In: 12th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2015), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 27–28, 2015. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2015, p. 98-103. ISSN 1822-7554.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Skačkauskas S. [LEI]. Sausinto vandenvalos nuotėkų dumblo terminio skaidymo technologija ir jos taikymas energijai gaminti In: Šilumos energetika ir technologijos - 2015: konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2015 sausio 29-30 . Kaunas: Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2015, p. 27-32. ISSN 2335-2485.
Šlančiauskas A. [LEI], Pocius R., Jazdauskas A., Striūgas N. [LEI], Kaulakys G.. Azoto oksidų (NOx) emisijų į orą sumažinimas iki 100 mg/nm3 Vilniaus elektrinės KVGM-100 vandens šildymo katile In: Šiluminė technika. Vilnius: Lietuvos šilumos tiekëjų (LŠTA) ir Lietuvos šiluminës technikos inžinierių (LŠTIA) asociacijų žurnalas, 2015, Nr. 1 (62), p. 18-20. ISSN 1392-4346.
Striūgas N. [LEI]. Sėkmingo verslo ir mokslo bendradarbiavimo rezultatas – mažesnė oro tarša azoto oksidais In: Energetika (Kronika). Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2015, T. 61, Nr. 1, p. 1-2. ISSN 0235-7208.
Navakas R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Saliamonas A. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI]. The experimental investigation of flame spectral characteristics after partial substitution of natural gas with producer gas In: 10th European conference on industrial furnaces and boilers (INFUB10). Porto, Portugal: 2015, p. 1-10..
Striūgas N. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Poškas R. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Development of innovative thermal decomposition technology and its application for utilization of sewage sludge In: 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (Session 2CO.2.3) . Vienna: 2015, p. 546-549. ISBN 978-88-89407-516.
Šlančiauskas A. [LEI]. Heat transfer measurements in wood feedstock for two-staged gasifier case In: Proceedings of the 7th Baltic heat transfer conference Tallinn, Estonia. August 24-26, 2015. Tallinn: Tallinn university of technology, 2015, p. 285-290. ISBN 978-9949-23-817-0.
Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Stravinskas G. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. The investigation of solid slag obtained by neutralization of sewage sludge In: Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. Philadelphia: Taylor&Francis, 2015, Vol. 65, Iss. 11, p. 1292-1296. ISSN 1096-2247.
Paulauskas R. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. Experimental investigation of wood pellet swelling and shrinking during pyrolysis In: Fuel. Oxford: Elsevier, 2015, Vol. 142, p. 145-151. ISSN 0016-2361.
Džiugys A. [LEI], Navakas R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. A Normalized parameter for similarity/dissimilarity characterization of sequences In: Informatica. Vilnius: Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, 2015, Vol. 26, No. 2, p. 241-258. ISSN 0868-4952.
Šnipas M. [LEI], Pranevičius H., Pranevičius M., Pranevičius O., Paulauskas N., Bukauskas F. Feliksas. Application of Stochastic Automata Networks for Creation of Continuous Time Markov Chain Models of Voltage Gating of Gap Junction Channels In: BioMed Research International. 2015, Vol. 2015, Article ID 936295, p. 1-13. ISSN 2314-6133, eISSN 2314-6141.


Navakas R. [LEI], Džiugys A. [LEI], Peters B.. A community-detection based approach to identification of inhomogeneities in granular matter In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2014, Vol. 407, p. 312-331. ISSN 0378-4371.
Kačianauskas R., Tumonis L., Džiugys A. [LEI]. Simulation of the normal impact of randomly shaped quasi-spherical particles In: Granular matter. New York: Springer, 2014, Vol. 16, iss. 3, p. 339-347. ISSN 1434-5021.


Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Improving syngas production from glycerol using plasma sprayed catalytic coatings In: Catalysis today. 2012, Vol. 196, No. 1, p. 75-80. ISSN 0920-5861.

Bašinskas M. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI]. Thermal analysis of magnesium hydride and study of its application possibilities In: CYSENI 2023 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023 , Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, p. 52-52. ISSN 2783-6339.


International projects

Horizon Europe


The ResMe2E project aims to revolutionize small-scale green energy production by developing systems for generating green methanol from biogenic residues and converting this synthetic More


Europe is the world leader in glass making, a highly energy-intensive industry that emits high amounts of CO2. The past century has seen improvements in the production process, but thMore

Horizon 2020


Twinning for Promoting Excellence, Ability and Knowledge to develop advanced waste gasification Solutions (TWIN-PEAKS). The Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and Vytautas Magnus UnMore


Seasonal solar energy potential and the need for heat and power do not match in Northern and Central European conditions. Consequently, large investments are needed for storing solar More

Nordic Energy Research Programme (NERP)

Nordic Energy Research logo thumbnail image

The increasing consumerism leads to rising amounts of plastic waste, and it is estimated that 6.3 billion tons of this waste were generated globally up to 2018. Plastic waste is a higMore

Nordic Energy Research logo thumbnail image

Establishment of Nordic-Baltic PhD and researcher mobility network in the field of the bioenergy (REMONET-Bioenergy) NERP (Nordic Energy Programme). Period of project implementatiMore


Interreg South Baltic 2021-2027 logo

Methane is one of the most important greenhouse gases with a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 34 on a timespan of 100 years, according to IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report. The concenMore


Program: Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 Period: 2022.04.01 – 2022.07.31 Website: The European Union has set ambitious targets related to the tMore

Coastal Biogas logo

The COASTAL Biogas project objective is to provide solutions based on anaerobic digestion of cast seaweed to coastal regions to tackle eutrophication, contribute to the transition to More



Description Industrial production is responsible for roughly 30% of global energy use, with Energy Intensive Industries (EIIs) representing the largest share (54% of OECD’s total indMore


TrANsMIT proposes a COST Action on the techno-economic analysis (TEA) of the overall, integrated CO2 Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) value chain. It aims to bring together acMore


By 2030, the bio-based economy is expected to have grown significantly in Europe. One of the pillars of this bioeconomy is the concept of BIOREFINERY, the sustainable processing of seMore

COST actions logo

​SMARTCATS COST Action aims to set-up a Europe-wide network of leading academic and research institutions and key industries to promote the use of smart energy carriers on a large scaMore



Coordinator: "Blachovnia" Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis, PolandMore

Projects in Lithuania

EU Structural Funds

2014–2020 ES fondų investicijų ženklas

UAB „AXIS Tech“ AXIS Tech, together with its partner Lithuanian Energy Institute, are implementing the project "AXIS Tech R&D activities for the development of innovative solutions More

2014–2020 ES fondų investicijų ženklas

UAB Enerstena together with its partner Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is implementing the project "Multifunctional Biomass Energy TechnolMore

2014-2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania logo

Lietuvos energetikos institutas įgyvendina projektą „Kompetencijos centro MTEP veiklų vykdymas, sukuriant ir išbandant inovatyvų dujinių biodegalų gamybos prototipą“ Nr. 01.2.2-CPMore

ES fondų investicijos 2014-2020 m.

On 7 February 2018, the Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and the public institution Central Project Management Agency (CPVA) signed a contract for the implementation of the projeMore

Research Council of Lithuania projects

Lietuvos mokslo taryba

Increasing political pressure is demanding that maritime transport emissions be reduced by all possible means to comply with the Paris Agreement and meet decarbonisation targets set aMore

Lietuvos mokslo taryba

Investigation of thermal radiation enhancement from alternative fuel flames in industrial furnaces (Rad2Fun) In order to achieve the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets, fossil More


Studies on thermal decomposition of seaweeds and their digestates no. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-16-0186. The ongoing process of eutrophication has ecological and social consequences, and itMore


During the global pandemic of COVID-19, the wearing of protective equipment became mandatory, resulting in a significant increase in the amount of medical waste collected, such as medMore

Lietuvos mokslo taryba

Economical and efficient energy consumption, its impact reduction for environmental is not only the goal of national energy strategy but also one of the most important challenges in eMore

2014–2020 ES fondų investicijų ženklas

Nr. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-25-0183 Name: „TG-GC/MS and TG-FTIR investigation of waste biomass catalytic pyrolysis products”. 2021-09-01 - 2022-03-31 The project was focused on the thMore

Lietuvos mokslo taryba

Plastic packaging waste is one of the most serious health and environmental problems that is getting a lot of attention at the present. However, most of the attention and technical soMore

2014-2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania logo

Lithuanian Energy Institute is carrying out a project titled “Raising scientific qualification levels by participating in international conference (CEEC-TAC5 and MEDICTA2019)”, No. 09More

2014-2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania logo

Lithuanian Energy Institute is carrying out the project “Investigation of waste fishing gear pyrolysis”, Project No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-06-0215, funded by EU Social Fund according to EUMore

2014-2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania logo

Lietuvos energetikos institutas įgyvendina projektą „Inovatyvios biometano gamybos technologijos sukūrimas taikant katalitinės termocheminės konversijos metodą“ Nr. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-0More


Name, surname Position Office phone. e-mail
Rolandas Paulauskas Head (Chief Research Associate) 101-LK +37037401877
Ignas Ambrazevičius PhD student 107-LK +37037401876
Ainė Antanavičė Chemistry Specialist 138-LK +37037401897
Algimantas Benevičius Engineer 104-LK +37037401881
Ernest Bykov PhD Student + Junior Researcher 107-LK +37037401876
Paulius Buidovas Technitian 107-LK +37037401876
Egidijus Buivydas PhD student 302-AK +37037401845
Justas Eimontas Senior Research Associate 102-LK +37037401976
Adolfas Jančauskas Senior Research Associate 102-LK +37037401976
Vidmantas Jauniškis Engineer 049-LK +37037401878
Vilmantė Kudelytė Lab Technitian 138-LK +37037401897
Aurimas Lisauskas Research associate 105-LK +37037401830
Monika Maziukienė Senior Research Associate
Ala Gassim Elhag Elshakh Mohamed PhD Student 302-AK +37037401845
Simas Račkauskas Chief Research Associate
Edita Sinkevičienė Lab administrator 104-LK +37037401881
Saulius Skačkauskas Engineer 104-LK +37037401881
Raminta Skvorčinskienė Senior research associate 231-AK +37037401820
Nerijus Striūgas Chief Research Associate 103-LK +37037401932
Kęstutis Venslauskas Senior research associate 107-AK +37037401876
Rytis Vorotinskas Technitian 026-LK
Lina Vorotinskienė Research associate 104-LK +37037401881
Kęstutis Zakarauskas Senior research associate 105-LK +37037401830
Bronius Žalys PhD student 302-AK +37037401845


Thermal Analysis
Determination of thermal value of mass change of the liquid and solid samples.
Calorific test
Determination of the heating value of solid and liquid fuels and organic waste, kJ/kg
Ashening test
Determination of non-flammable fraction in solid and liquid fuels and organic waste, %
Moisture Test
Determination of moisture content (%) in solid fuels and organic waste
Diagnostics of burning process
Evaluation of combustion quality using a high-sensitivity chamber and narrow-band filters
FT-IR analysis
Investigation of biofuel and waste gasification products, solid and liquid organic and inorganic samples using IR beam and analysis with Furje transformation.
Chromatographic study
Identification of organic compounds (qualitative analysis).
Chromatographic study
Determination of quantity of inorganic gases and light hydrocarbons in the gaseous phase.
Chromatographic study
Determination of aromatic hydrocarbons according to EPA610 method.