- Safety of spent nuclear fuel (snf) management;
- Safety of radioactive waste management;
- Assessment of different factors related to decommissioning of nuclear facilities;
- Waste heat recovery from flue gases during biofuel combustion and reduction of the amount of emissions from the exhaust;
- Investigation of heat transfer and hydrodynamic processess in various systems and their components;
- Fire safety investigation.
- Analysis of waste heat recovery from biofuel and other heat generating installations in heat exchangers and condensing economizers as well as evaluation of perspectives on improvement of these installations;
- Investigation of emissions exhausted with flue gases during biofuel combustion with electrostatic and other filters as well as evaluation of perspectives on improvement of these filters;
- Complex investigations of heat transfer and flow hydrodynamics in various technological systems and their components;
- Modelling of cooling and/or heating of complex multicomponent objects taking into account the influence of conduction, convection, radiation, solar insolation and other external factors;
- Fire assessment of premises with combustible materials and fire resistance assessment of structures;
- Detailed assessment of the thermal state of a complex construction installations present or potentially present in a fire area;
- Identification of local overheating using the system of a microscope and a thermal imaging camera;
- Modelling of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel characteristics, safety and environmental impact assessment of their treatment, storage and disposal facilities;
- Modelling of hazardous substances and gas migration in geological structures (porous, fractured media);
- Assessment of safety, environmental impact and other factors during nuclear facility decommissioning.
Spent nuclear fuel management
Radioactive waste management
Decommissioning of nuclear facilities
Investigation of thermal processes
Biofuel combustion
Fire safety assessment in nuclear power plants and other significant facilities
Our employees are graduates from Kaunas University of Technology, Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius University, and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University who studied thermal engineering, physics, applied physics, industrial thermal energy, biophysics, computer science, chemistry, mathematics, the English language and technical translation.
We are always looking for bright and curious graduates to join our team.
Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant is the main and the largest customer of Nuclear Engineering Laboratory. We also successfully provide services to foreign customers and work with foreign and Lithuanian partners. We also implement competitive projects of the Research Council and other institutions of Lithuania.
International projects
Horizon Europe

EURAD-2 builds upon EURAD-1 and PREDIS to further implement a joint strategic programme of research, development and knowledge management activities at the European level, bringing toMore

The project aims to establish and clarify the benefits and added value of more aligned and harmonised regulations and standards for prioritised topics related to decommissioning and iMore
Horizon 2020

The European Green Deal, an ambitious growth strategy aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), calls for the mobilization of the industry. Indeed, while important steps hMore

The decommissioning of closed graphite moderated nuclear reactors worldwide is still in its early stages with the majority of reactors in “safe store” condition. For these reactors, tMore

Following decades of RD&D in support of the safe management and disposal of radioactive waste, and building on the preparatory work of the recent EC JOPRAD project, a European JoiMore

According to the projections based on likely remaining life-times of the World’s legacy nuclear fleet, the workload and budgets to be dedicated for nuclear decommissioning is going toMore

Safe management of radioactive waste is challenging to waste producers and waste management organisations. Deployment of thermal treatment in an optimised waste management lifecycle cMore

The overall objective of the project is to develop and test the tools necessary for the assessment of the hydro-mechanical evolution of an installed bentonite barrier and its resultinMore

The coordination action SITEX-II aims at implementing in practice the activities along with the interaction modes issued by the FP7 program SITEX project (2012-2013), in view of develMore
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

The ARCADIA project has been conceived so as to provide a twofold support to the further development of nuclear research programs in the NMS, targeting two major areas included in theMore

The CAST project (CArbon-14 Source Term) aims to develop understanding of the generation and release of 14C from radioactive waste materials under conditions relevant to waste packagiMore

The objective of PLATENSO is to provide a proposal towards establishing the legal base for a European Entity on Socio-Economic matters linked to nuclear technology and to develop recoMore

SITEX aims at identifying the efficient means that should be developed through the establisment of a sustainable expertise function network within a European framework with the view tMore
NEWLANCER project proposes to identify and implement effective and efficient actual solutions leading to enlarged NMS involvement in future Euratom Framework Programmes by strengtheniMore
The multiple barrier concept is the cornerstone of all proposed schemes for underground disposal of radioactive wastes. The concept invokes a series of barriers, both engineered and nMore

Gas-Cooled Reactors (GCR), RBMK and some Material Test Reactors (MTR) make use of graphite as moderator of the fuel, structures of the core and/or thermal columns. During operation, tMore

The present spent nuclear fuel (SNF) management concept in the Lithuania foresees dry storage of SNF for 50 years. During this time the final SNF management concept shall be developedMore
Other international projects

The goal of this project is to prepare the setting up of a “Joint Programming on Radioactive Waste Disposal” that would be established to coordinate at the European level, national reMore
Projects in Lithuania
EU Structural Funds

On 7 February 2018, the Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and the public institution Central Project Management Agency (CPVA) signed a contract for the implementation of the projeMore
Research Council of Lithuania projects

Comprehensive research and application of "Rūkas" technology for biofuel smoke purification and waste heat recovery ID (LMT): P-MIP-20-2 Nr.: 14-1963.20.22 Coordinator: LitMore
Name, surname | Position | Office | phone. | |
Ernestas Narkūnas | Head (Senior Research Associate) | 62-BRK | +37037401883 | Ernestas.Narkunas@lei.lt |
Agnė Anušauskaitė | Technician | |||
Povilas Balčius | PhD student + Junior Research Associate | Povilas.Balcius@lei.lt | ||
Gytis Bartkus | Research associate | 78-BRK | +37037401902 | Gytis.Bartkus@lei.lt |
Evaldas Berneckas | Technician | |||
Valantinas Dabašinskas | Machinist | 77-BRK | +37037401706 | |
Tomas Dabašinskas | Lathe operator | 79-BRK | +37037401985 | |
Dalia Grigaliūnienė | Senior research associate | 53-BRK | +37037401992 | Dalia.Grigaliuniene@lei.lt |
Jurgis Jankauskas | Engineer | 19-BRK | +37037401902 | Jurgis.Jankauskas@lei.lt |
Hussam Jouhara | Chief Research Associate | hjouhara@gmail.com | ||
Raimondas Kilda | Senior research associate | 53-BRK | +37037401992 | Raimondas.Kilda@lei.lt |
Asta Narkūnienė | Senior research associate | 53-BRK | +37037401992 | Asta.Narkuniene@lei.lt |
Robertas Poškas | Chief research associate | 232-AK | +37037401929 | Robertas.Poskas@lei.lt |
Gintautas Poškas | Senior research associate | 38-BRK | +37037401840 | Gintautas.Poskas@lei.lt |
Povilas Poškas | Chief research associate | 61-BRK | +37037401891 | Povilas.Poskas@lei.lt |
Kęstutis Račkaitis | Specialist | 66-BRK | +37037401884 | Kestutis.Rackaitis@lei.lt |
Valdas Ragaišis | Senior research associate | 58-BRK | +37037401889 | Valdas.Ragaisis@lei.lt |
Mohab Maher Mahmoud Elsayed Salem | PhD student + Junior Research Associate | 37-BRK | +37037401839 | Mohab.Salem@lei.lt |
Arūnas Sirvydas | Senior research associate | 60-BRK | +37037401888 | Arunas.Sirvydas@lei.lt |
Sigita Subačiūtė | Projects administrator | 63-BRK | +37037401887 | Sigita.Subaciute@lei.lt |
Audrius Šimonis | Senior research associate | 78-BRK | +37037401902 | Audrius.Simonis@lei.lt |
Vytautas Šimonis | Senior research associate | 60-BRK, 18-BRK | +37037401888 | Vytautas.Simonis@lei.lt |
Artūras Šmaižys | Chief research associate | 54-BRK | +37037401890 | Arturas.Smaizys@lei.lt |
Renoldas Zujus | Specialist | 51-BRK | +37037401892 | Renoldas.Zujus@lei.lt |