Plasma Processing Laboratory (15)

Laboratory Head
Liutauras Marcinauskas

Tel: +370 37 401895

Breslaujos st. 3, LT-44403 Kaunas, Lithuania

Plasma Processing Laboratory


  • development and research of DC plasma sources for wide range of applications;
  • research of processes and phenomena taking place in discharge channels, exhaust plasma jets and flows;
  • diagnostics of plasma and high-temperature flow and development of diagnostic measures;
  • research on interaction of plasma jets and substances in various plasma-technological processes;
  • research and implementation of plasma neutralization process of hazardous substances;
  • synthesis of catalytic and tribological coatings in plasma ambient and analysis of their properties;
  • research of thermal and heterogeneous processes for reacting product flowing around catalytic surface;
  • formation and modification of constructional material surfaces in plasma;
  • synthesis of micro- and nano- dispersed granules and mineral fiber from hardly meltable materials and analysis of their properties;
  • generation of water vapor plasma and its application for fuel conversion and neutralization of hazardous waste.

Researchers of the Laboratory of Plasma Processing have over 50 years of experience working in different fields of development, scientific research and application of atmospheric and reduced pressure plasma and are able to successfully create and realize new plasma technologies, using plasma equipment, designed in the Laboratory. Various composition gas (such as air, argon, nitrogen, hydrogen, acetylene, etc.) and their mixtures are used for plasma jets formation. The Laboratory contains specialized technological equipment, which is used to change and modify mechanical, tribological, chemical and optical properties of layers of different material surfaces. Constant updating of technical base, development and disposal of available analytical equipment enables to perform research of plasma sources, diagnostics of plasma flows and jets, analysis of gas dynamic characteristics and heat-mass transfer.

The following research is curently being carried out by the Laboratory:

Development of plasma sources and research of plasma jets

Recently, new DC (direct current) plasma generators up to 150 kW of capacity are in development, heat transfer in the reactive arc zone of plasma torch is investigated, voltage-current characteristics of electric arc at laminar and turbulent flows, characteristics of plasma jets, arc radiation at different gas flows are analysed at the Laboratory of Plasma Processing.

Research of waste and hazardous materials neutralization plasma process

In recent years the interest has been raised for the application of plasma technologies in waste treatment. As one of the most advanced thermochemical methods, plasma treatment method is characterized by its original advantages – extremely high temperatures generated by DC arc (103 – 104 K), high energy density, high waste destruction efficiency (99.99 %), simple and easy process control, compact equipment and etc. Unique water vapour plasma technology, designed for realization of more advanced waste conversion process, where overheated water vapour is heat carrier, chemical agent and a source of formation for active radicals, atoms and molecules (OH-, H, O, H2, O2). Almost all endothermic reactions can be carried out in water vapour plasma to form coatings, modify material surfaces, gasify solid fuel, the most stable chemical compositions to decompose into atoms and radicals. Thus the most hazardous waste and environmentally harmful materials may be decomposed and neutralized. By regulating the amount of oxygen and/or water vapour flow rate while decomposing organic waste, calorific valuable hydrogen-rich synthetic gas (CO + H2) is produced, which can be used as a fuel to generate power and heat in different purpose equipment. , All these mentioned plasma processes and the impact of the final product are determined by the construction of the device, technical characteristics and plasma flow parameters.

Synthesis of microstructural coatings in plasma jet

Plasma spray deposition technology developed at the Laboratory allows the formation of catalytic, anticorrosive, protective and solid ceramic coatings used to improve the operational properties of the surface layers of construction materials in mechanics, chemistry, energy and medicine. They increase resistance to corrosion for 102–103 times, significantly improve resistance to friction and mechanical wearing, and are distinguished for diversity of electric, optical and mechanical properties.

Melting of ceramic materials and synthesis of high-temperature resistant mineral fiber

Plasma technology is the only alternative way to obtaina high quality high-temperaturefiber. For melting and spraying ceramic materials an experimental plasma device with plasma generator 70-120 kW of capacity has been developed at the Laboratory of Plasma Processing. It enables to form a fibre from dispersed particles using air as plasma forming gas and auxiliary (Ar, N2, propane-butane, H2, etc.) gas mixtures, the formed fiber may be used as an additive for building materials, as high-temperature insulation material or a filter for ultra-fine particles.
A new plasma technology was created to produce fine micro- and nano dispersed powder with high developed and controlled surface shape. The BET surface area of powder can reach up to 200 m2/g (gamma-Al2O3).

Research on interaction of plasma jet and materials

For the purpose of the production of high-temperature ultrafine fiber, recycling hazardous substances, producing various coatings and synthesizing new materials the interaction of electric arc and plasma jet with amorphous and dispersed particles is analysed. Physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the produced materials are identified.

Diagnostics of plasma and high-temperature jets

Optical emission spectrometer AOS4 with an internal stabilization tunneable filter is applied at the Laboratory for plasma diagnostics. It enables to investigate gas emission spectra in a wavelength range of 250-800 nm. A high-speed optical camera Phantom Miro M310 with CMOS sensor, 1280×800 pixel matrix, which enables high-speed recording and capturing of moving objects at a very high speed, is used for multiphase plasma flow visualization and determination of some dynamic characteristics. Plasma state and thermal characteristics of plasma particles (electrons, ions and radicals) are determined using electrical probes. The analyser of combustion products MRU SWG 300 was purchased with the objective to analyse the catalytic properties and gaseous products.
A numerical research of heated gas flow in a channel is carried out using ANSYS Fluent software.

International projects currently being implemented by the Laboratory

2017–2019 m. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 „Formation, modification and investigation of nanostructured composites of graphene oxide and transition metal oxides“, No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-02-0013

From 2018 m. COASTAL Biogas – Cluster On Anaerobic digestion, environmental Services and NuTrients removAL. Interreg South Baltic Programme, Nr. 15/13/33-51.18.21.

From 2018 m. 01.2.2- LMT-K-718 „Plasma chemical reactor for hazardous waste treatment: design, manufacturing, research and application“, Nr. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0069.

NO. 01.2.2-CPVA-K-703-03-0008 „Execution of R&D activities: To create and test eco-innovative and efficient prototypes of waste processing and recycling technologies“ . Scientific divisions involved: 15, 16, 18, 13 lab. Duration 36 months. (starting at 2020 May 4th).

H2020 project: Twinning for Promoting Excellence, Ability and Knowledge to develop advanced waste gasification Solutions (TWIN-PEAKS). 15, 13 lab. Duration 36 months, international partners: Lithuania, Germany, Sweden.



Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Fendt S., Bastek S., Spliethoff H.. Plasma Gasification of Medical Plastic Waste to Syngas in a Greenhouse Gas (CO2) Environment In: Sustainability. Basel: MDPI, 2025, Vol. 17, Iss. 5, 2040, p. 1-15. ISSN 2071-1050.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI]. Plasma technology for reforming of hydrocarbons In: Energy From Plasma Production and Storage. London: Elsevier, 2025, Chapter 4, p. 89-110. ISBN 978-0-443-26584-6, eISBN 978-0-443-26585-3.


Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI]. Treatment and recycling of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash using plasma technology In: Abstract Book 5th International Conference Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation Water, Raw Materials Energy in Green Transition November 27-29, 2024. Cracow: Publishing House Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, 2024, p. 131-131. ISBN 978-83-67606-49-3.
Jonynaitė K., Keršulis S., Uscila R. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Stankevič V.. Combination of cold plasma and pulsed electric field for microalgae treatment In: Book of abstracts 4th World congress on electroporation and pulsed electric fields in biology, medicine, and food & environmental technologies : Copenhagen, Denmark, 9-13 October, 2022. Copenhagen: Založba FE, 2024, PO-034, p. 166-167. ISBN 978-961-243-444-1.
Jonynaitė K., Uscila R. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Keršulis S., Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Stirkė A., Stankevič V.. Unveiling the interplay between gliding arc discharge (GAD) plasma pretreatment and pulsed electric field (PEF) on Chlorella vulgaris microalgae In: 5th world congress on electroporation and pulsed electric fields in biology, medicine, and food & environmental technologies, Rome, Italy, 15−19 september, 2024 : programme and book of abstracts. University of Ljubljana, 2024, PO38, p. 261-261..
Uscila R. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI]. The influence of dynamic and energy characteristics on the Interaction of plasma with solid material particles In: Book of Abstracts Materials, Methods & Technologies 26th International Conference 15-18 August 2024 Burgas, Bulgaria. Burgas: International Scientific Events, 2024, p. 49-49..
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Fendt S., Bastek S., Spliethoff H.. Energy Recovery from Plastic Waste to Synthesis Gas in Thermal CO2/Water Vapor Plasma In: Book of Abstracts 19th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Rome, September 8-12, 2024. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2024, SDEWES2024.0019, p. 256-256. ISSN 2706-3690 (digital proceedings).
Mildažienė V., Ragelienė L., Naučienė Z., Žūkienė R., Degutytė-Fomins L., Jankaitytė E., Petrulis M., Marcinauskas K. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Koga K., Shiratani M.. Treatment of Lactuca sativa seeds with non-thermal plasma and plasma activated water stimulates germination, seedling growth and activates biochemical processes In: Supplement: Mining biochemistry for human health and well‐being, 48th FEBS Congress, 29 June–3 July 2024, Milano, Italy. Cambridge: FEBS press, 2024, Vol. 14, Iss. S2, P-09-017, p. 149-149. ISSN 2211-5463.
Zhairabany H., Khaksar H., Vanags E., Marcinauskas L. [LEI]. Effect of molybdenum concentration and deposition temperature on the structure and tribological properties of the diamond-like carbon films In: Crystals. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 14, Iss. 11, 962, p. 1-13. ISSN 2073-4362.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Jonynaitė K., Celiešiūtė-Germanienė R., Aikas M. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Keršulis S., Stirkė A., Strakšys A., Stankevič V.. Treatment of fresh and marine water microalgae by combined gliding arc discharge plasma and pulsed electric field In: Book of Abstracts – 10th International Conference on Plasma Medicine and 9th International Workshop on Plasma for Cancer Treatment. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute, 2024, p. 173-173. ISBN 978-961-264-293-8.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Jonynaitė K., Celiešiūtė-Germanienė R., Aikas M. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Keršulis S., Stirkė A., Strakšys A., Stankevič V.. Treatment of marine and fresh water microalgae by gliding arc discharge plasma In: Books of Abstracts 4th Workshop on Plasma applications for smart and sustainable agriculture 2024. Belgrade: 2024, WG4, p. 44-44..
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Ragelienė L., Minelgaitė G., Jankaitytė E., Uscila R. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Mildažienė V.. Application of gliding arc discharge plasma for the creation of plasma activated water In: 50th EPS Conference on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Phys, 8-12 July 2024. Salamanca: European Physical Society, 2024, Vol. 48A, 01.401, p. 1-4. ISBN 111-22-33333-44-5.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Žaltauskaitė J., Sujetovienė G., Dikšaitytė A., Tamošiūnas A. [LEI]. Remediation of diesel-polluted soil by the combined thermal desorption and thermal plasma methods In: Abstracts E-Book 3rd International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Technology (GEET-24), Lisbon, 29-31 July 2024. Lisbon: 2024, Pag. 008, p. 8-8. ISBN 978-84-09-63050-9.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Ratautaitė K., Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Žunda A., Kėželis R. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI]. Influence of Graphite and Zirconia Addition on the Tribological Properties of Plasma-Sprayed Alumina Coatings In: Coatings. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 14, Iss. 8, 978, p. 1-20. ISSN 2079-6412.
Uscila R. [LEI]. Modeling of plasma transferred arc and flow in Comsol multiphysics In: CYSENI' 2024: 20th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 21-23 May, 2024 [proceedings]. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2024, p. 84-84. ISSN 2783-6339.
Šuopys A. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI]. High-hardness alumina coatings deposited using atmospheric plasma spraying In: CYSENI' 2024: 20th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 21-23 May, 2024 [proceedings]. . Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2024, p. 82-82. ISSN 2783-6339.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Fendt S., Bastek S., Spliethoff H.. Gasification of plastic waste to syngas in thermal CO2 plasma In: 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Rhodes, Greece, 19 - 22 June 2024 (Online Proceedings). Rhodes: 2024, Room I, Session XVII Waste-to-Energy & Energy from Waste, p. 1-2..
Striūgas N. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI]. Sustainable glass production with hybrid plasma-assisted combustion technology In: 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Rhodes, Greece, 19 - 22 June 2024 (Online Proceedings). Rhodes: 2024, Room I, Session XXI Energy from waste, p. 1-2..
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI]. Bituminous Soil Remediation in the Thermal Plasma Environment In: Sustainability. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 16, Iss. 11, 4855, p. 1-17. ISSN 2071-1050.
Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Kriūkienė R. [LEI], Baltušnikas A. [LEI]. An Investigation of Fly Ash and Slag Processing and Fiber Production Using Plasma Technology In: Applied Sciences. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 14, Iss. 11, 4801, p. 1-14. ISSN 2076-3417.
Snapkauskienė V. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI]. Banana peel thermochemical conversion In: Banana Peels Valorazition. Elsevier, 2024, Chapter 11, p. 289-325. ISBN 978-0-323-95937-7.
Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Baltušnikas A. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Fabrication of Thin TEG (Bi-Ni) Using Magnetron Sputtering Technology and Investigations In: Coatings. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 14, Iss. 3, 335, p. 1-13. ISSN 2079-6412.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Jonynaitė K., Uscila R. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Keršulis S., Stirkė A., Stankevič V.. The Influence of Voltage on Gliding Arc Discharge Characteristics, the Composition of Air Plasma, and the Properties of BG-11 Medium In: Applied Sciences. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 14, Iss. 5, 2135, p. 1-16. ISSN 2076-3417.
Aikas M. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI]. Thermal arc air plasma application for biomass (wood pellets) gasifcation In: Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. New York: Springer, 2024, Vol. 26, p. 31-43. ISSN 1618-954X.
Yousef S., Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Plasma steam gasification of surgical mask waste for hydrogen-rich syngas production In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy . Kidlington: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 49, Part A, p. 1375-1386. ISSN 0360-3199.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI]. Biofuels production by biomass gasification In: Advances in Biofuels Production, Optimization and Applications. Kidlington: Elsevier, 2024, Chapter 3, p. 39-62. ISBN 978-0-323-95076-3, eISBN 978-0-323-95077-0.


Jonynaitė K., Uscila R. [LEI], Keršulis S., Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Stirkė A., Stankevič V.. Uncovering novel effects of combined plasma and pulsed electric field (PEF) treatments on algae cells: Insights into cell death mechanisms In: FizTeCh2023: 13-oji Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centro doktorantų ir jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija : tezių rinkinys, Vilnius, 2023 m. spalio 18-19 d.. Vilnius: Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centras, 2023, 07, p. 1-1..
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI]. Biomass gasification to syngas in thermal water vapor arc discharge plasma In: Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery . Heidelberg: Springer, 2023, Vol. 13, p. 16373-16384. ISSN 2190-6815.
Lazauskas A., Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Ilickas M., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Abakevičienė B., Volyniuk D.. Laser Ablation of Silicon Nanoparticles and Their Use in Charge-Coupled Devices for UV Light Sensing via Wavelength-Shifting Properties In: Nanomaterials. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 13(22), 2915, p. 1-13. ISSN 2079-4991.
Bastakys L., Marcinauskas L., Aikas M. [LEI], Kalin M., Kėželis R. [LEI]. Chromo oksido ir Cr2O3 kompozito dangų tribologinių savybių tyrimai In: 45-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija, 2023 m. spalio 25-27 d., Vilnius: programa ir pranešimų tezės. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2023, No. 38, S2 - P24, p. 199-199. ISBN 9786090709818.
Ilickas M., Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Abakevičienė B., Lazauskas A.. Laser ablation of silicon nanoparticles for enhanced UV photon sensing via wavelength-shifting properties In: 3rd CERN Baltic conference (CBC 2023), 9-11 October 2023, Riga technical university: book of abstracts. Riga: Riga technical university, 2023, p. 2-2..
Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Zhovtyansky V., Kėželis R. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI], Šuopys A. [LEI]. Distribution of dynamic and energy parameters in high-temperature axisymmetrical air jet In: Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Rome, Italy, September 11-15, 2023. New York: Begell House Inc./ICHMT, 2023, p. 655-658. ISSN 2377-2816, eISSN 2377-4169 ISBN 978-1-56700-534-9, eISBN 978-1-56700-535-6.
Uscila R. [LEI]. Research of the transferred arc plasma torch operation characteristics in the volumetric reactor In: CYSENI 2023: 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 49-49. ISSN 2783-6339.
Šuopys A. [LEI]. High-speed imaging of dispersed particles during the plasma spraying process In: CYSENI 2023: 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 48-48. ISSN 2783-6339.
Aikas M. [LEI]. Plasma gasifier for biomass and waste gasification In: CYSENI 2023: 19th International Conference of Young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues 23-26 May 2023, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2023, p. 47-47. ISSN 2783-6339.
Jonynaitė K., Uscila R. [LEI], Keršulis S., Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Stirkė A., Stankevič V.. Investigation of the combined effect of plasma and pulsed electric field treatment on Chlorella vulgaris microalgae In: International bioelectrics symposium 2023, 10-13 September 2023, Venue & Accomodation: Ramada by Wyndham Lisbon. Lisabona: 2023, 2243, p. 1-2..
Mathew J.S., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Kalin M.. Effect of Spraying Power on the Tribological Properties of Alumina and Alumina-Graphite Coatings In: Coatings. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 13, Iss. 7, 1165, p. 1-16. ISSN 2079-6412.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Jonynaitė K., Uscila R. [LEI], Stirkė A., Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Keršulis S., Stankevič V.. Treatment of microalgae by gliding arc plasma and pulsed electric field In: Book of Abstracts SICT 2023 / PLASMA TECH 2023 / TRIBOLOGY 2023 JOINT CONFERENCES. Lisbon: Setcor, 2023, p. 65-65..
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI]. Experiences of syngas from various feedstocks using electro-chemical conversion – plasma gasification In: Conference Proceedings 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology 15-16 May 2023. Berlin: Renewable Energy Technology International AB, 2023, p. 23-26. ISBN 978-91-981149-8-0.
Zhairabany H., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Dovydaitis V., Gnecco E.. Synthesis of molybdenum doped diamond-like carbon films by magnetron sputtering In: 8th international conference on advanced plasma technologies. 3rd workshop on plasma applications for smart and sustainable agriculture: 14-18 May, 2023, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia: [abstract book] / [editor Gregor Primc]. Ljubljana: Plasmadis, 2023, p. 66-66. ISBN 9789619471623.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Jonynaitė K., Uscila R. [LEI], Keršulis S., Stirkė A., Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Stankevič V.. Extraction of valuable compounds from microalgae using plasma and pulsed electric field treatment In: 8th international conference on advanced plasma technologies. 3rd workshop on plasma applications for smart and sustainable agriculture: 14-18 May, 2023, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia: [abstract book] / [editor Gregor Primc]. Ljubljana: Plasmadis, 2023, p. 38-39. ISBN 9789619471623.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI]. Thermal plasma potential to remediate soil contaminated with diesel In: Environmental Research. San Diego: Elsevier, 2023, Vol. 229, 115976, p. 1-12. ISSN 0013-9351, eISSN 1096-0953.
Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Baltušnikas A. [LEI]. Recycling of Wind Turbine Blades into Microfiber Using Plasma Technology In: Materials. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 16, Iss. 8, 3089, p. 1-12. ISSN 1996-1944.
Uscila R. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI]. Research on the Energy Characteristics of a Transferred Arc Plasma-Chemical Reactor for Waste Treatment In: Applied Sciences. London: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 13, Iss. 7, 4221, p. 1-17. ISSN 2314-8543.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Mathew J. Sh., Milieška M. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Kalin M.. Influence of graphite content on the tribological properties of plasma sprayed alumina-graphite coatings In: Surfaces and Interfaces. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2023, Vol. 38, 102763, p. 1-13. ISSN 2468-0230.
Bastakys L., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Kalin M., Kėželis R. [LEI]. Tribological properties of Cr2O3, Cr2O3–SiO2-TiO2 and Cr2O3–SiO2-TiO2-graphite coatings deposited by atmospheric plasma spraying In: Coatings. Basel: MDPI, 2023, Vol. 13, Iss. 2, 408, p. 1-17. ISSN 2079-6412.


Jonynaitė K., Kavaliauskaitė V., Uscila R. [LEI], Keršulis S., Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Stirkė A., Stankevič V.. Pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment of marine microalgae In: 3rd Baltic biophysics conference: October 6-7, 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania: abstract book. Vilnius: Center for physical sciences and technology, 2022, P20, p. 57-57..
Jonynaitė K., Uscila R. [LEI], Keršulis S., Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Stirkė A., Stankevič V.. Mikrodumblių apdorojimas taikant šaltosios plazmos ir impulsinio elektrinio lauko poveikį In: FizTeCh: 12-oji Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centro doktorantų ir jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija : tezių rinkinys, Vilnius, 2022 m. spalio 19-20 d.. Vilnius: 2022, 020, p. 1-1..
Zhairabany H., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Dovydaitis V., Gnecco E.. Effect of molybdenum content on the structure and tribological properties of diamond-like carbon films In: Proceedings of the11th international conference, BALTTRIB'2022: 22–24 September 2022, Akademija, Kaunas, Lithuania / edited by J. Padgurskas. Kaunas: Vytautas Magnus University, 2022, No. 11, p. 115-119. ISSN 2424-5089.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Aikas S. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI]. Biomass Gasification to Synthesis Gas in Thermal ARC Air Plasma Environment In: Book of abstracts 17th Conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems November 6-10 2022 Paphos, Cyprus. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2022, p. 556-556. ISSN 2706-3690.
Uscila R. [LEI]. Numerical study of a reactor chamber element cooled with water In: CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 413-416. ISSN 2783-6339.
Šuopys A. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI]. Plasma torch power influence on the properties of alumina coatings In: CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 336-340. ISSN 2783-6339.
Aikas M. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI]. Determination of the plasma-forming gas type influence on electrical and thermal characteristics of the plasma torch In: CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 294-297. ISSN 2783-6339.
Bastakys L., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Grigaliūnas M., Matkovič S., Aikas M. [LEI]. Tribological properties of plasma sprayed Cr2O3, Cr2O3-TiO2-SiO2 and Cr2O3-TiO2-SiO2-graphite coatings In: book of abstracts: 1st Central and Eastern European conference on physical chemistry and materials science (CEEC-PCMS1), 26-30 July 2022. Craiova: Sitech, 2022, OP4.05, p. 91-91. ISBN 978-606-11-8164-3.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Bastakys L., Milieška M. [LEI], Mathew J. Sh., Kėželis R. [LEI], Kalin M.. Improvement of tribological properties of alumina and chromium oxide coatings deposited by plasma spraying In: Book of abstracts: 1st Central and Eastern European conference on physical chemistry and materials science (CEEC-PCMS1), 26-30 July 2022. Craiova: Sitech, 2022, OP4.07, p. 93-93. ISBN 978-606-11-8164-3.
Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI]. Possibility of recycling wind turbine blades using plasma technology In: Eleventh international conference on waste management and environmental and economic impact on sustainable development Waste Management and Environmental Impact XI. Southampton: WIT Press, 2022, p. 65-70. Scopus. ISBN 978-1-78466-455-8 , eISBN 978-1-78466-456-5.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI]. Remediation of diesel contaminated humus-rich soil in the thermal plasma environment In: Abstracts book: International conference Green Energy and Environmental Technology (GEET)27-29 July 2022. Rome/Italy: 2022, Pag. 059 , p. 1-1. ISBN 978-84-09-42561-7.
Bastakys L., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Grigaliūnas M., Matkovič S., Aikas M. [LEI]. Tribological Properties of Chromia and Chromia Composite Coatings Deposited by Plasma Spraying In: Coatings . Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 7, 1035, p. 1-9. ISSN 2079-6412.
Šuopys A. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Aikas M.. Influence of Plasma Torch Power on the Plasma Jet Properties and Microstructure of Alumina Coatings In: Coatings . Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 7 , p. 1-12. ISSN 2079-6412.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI]. Biomass gasification to hydrogen-rich syngas by thermal arc discharge plasma In: 9th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management. Corfu: National Technical University of Athens, 2022, SESSION XVII, p. 1-3..
Striūgas N. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Lelis M. [LEI]. Biomethane Production from Raw Syngas over a Metal Hydride Catalyst In: Book of abstracts 5th South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy,Water and Environmental Systems, May 22-26 Vlore, Albania.. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2022, SEE2022.0114, p. 150-150. ISSN 2706-3682 (Digital proceedings).
Ramanauskas R., Iljinas A., Marcinauskas L., Milieška M. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Gecevičius G., Čapas V.. Deposition and Application of Indium-Tin-Oxide Films for Defrosting Windscreens In: Coatings. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 5, 670, p. 1-13. ISSN 2079-6412.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Waste glycerol gasification to syngas in pure DC water vapor arc plasma In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy . Oxford: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 47, Iss. 24, p. 12219-12230. Scopus. ISSN 0360-3199, eISSN 1879-3487.
Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI]. Investigations of Working Characteristics of Transferred Arc Plasma Torch Volume Reactor In: Applied sciences. London: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 12, 2624, p. 1-13. ISSN 2314-8535 , eISSN 2314-8543.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI]. Recent progress in thermal plasma gasification of liquid and solid wastes In: Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies. Chennai: Elsevier, 2022, Chapter 4, p. 155-196. ISBN 978-0-12-823532-4.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Khiari B., Jeguirim M.. Chapter ten – Biofuels production: Biogas, biodiesel and bioethanol from tomato wastes In: Tomato Processing by-Products . Kidlington: Elsevier, 2022, Chapter 10, p. 333-370. ISBN 9780128228661, eISBN 9780128228678.


Jonynaitė K., Stirkė A., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Šuopys A. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI]. Plazmos poveikio taikymas vertingų junginių ekstrakcijai iš mikrodumblių, naudotų nuotekų bioremediacijoje In: Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centro 11 doktorantų ir jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija. Tezių rinkinys. Vilnius: Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centras, 2021, p. 51-51..
Jonynaitė K., Stirkė A., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Šuopys A. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Dalmantaitė G.. Pulsed electric field and plasma assisted treatment of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris In: Proceedings and workbook of the Electroporation-based Technologies and Treatments Ljubljana, Slovenia November 14-20, 2021. Ljubljana: Založba FE, 2021, p. 17-17. ISBN 978-961-243-423-6.
Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI]. Neutralization of waste using a plasma chemical reactor In: Book of abstracts 4th International Caparica Conference on Pollutant Toxic Ions and Molecules. Caparica: BIOSCOPE Research Group | PROTEOMASS Scientific Society, 2021, p. 169-169. ISBN 978-989-54822-9-0.
Bastakys L., Grigaliūnas M., Marcinauskas L., Kėželis R. [LEI], Matkovič S., Aikas M. [LEI]. Chromo oksido ir chromo oksido kompozitų dangų suformuotų plazminiu purškimu tribologinės savybės. Tribological properties of chromia and chromia composite coatings deposited by plasma spraying In: 44-oji Lietuvos Nacionalinė Fizikos Konferencija: programa ir pranešimų tezės . Vilnius: Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centras, Lietuvos fizikų draugija, Vilniaus universitetas, Kauno technologijos universitetas, Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2021, p. 232-232. ISBN 978-609-95511-8-0.
Jonynaitė K., Stirkė A., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Šuopys A. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI]. Chlorella vulgaris dumblių apšvita plazma. Treatment of Chlorella vulgaris by plasma In: 44-oji Lietuvos Nacionalinė Fizikos Konferencija: programa ir pranešimų tezės. Vilnius: Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centras, Lietuvos fizikų draugija, Vilniaus universitetas, Kauno technologijos universitetas, Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2021, p. 156-156. ISBN 978-609-95511-8-0.
Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Characterization and analysis of atmospheric pressure air plasma treatment of hard mineral materials In: Book of abstracts Plasma Processing and Technology International Conference (Plasma Tech 2021). Paris: SETCOR, 2021, p. 44-44..
Valinčius V. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI]. Distribution of dynamical and energy parameters in axisymmetric air plasma jet In: XV International research conference proceedings “ICTHT 2021: 15.Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 2021”. New York: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2021, p. 41-41. ISSN 1307-6892.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI]. The application of non-transferred arc thermal plasma for the processing of soil polluted by hydroquinone In: Book of abstracts 4th International Caparica Conference on Pollutant Toxic Ions and Molecules. Caparica: BIOSCOPE Research Group | PROTEOMASS Scientific Society, 2021, p. 121-121. ISBN 978-989-54822-9-0.
Valinčius V. [LEI]. In memorium Pranas Valatkevičius (1935-2020) (Kronika) In: Energetika (Kronika). Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2021, T. 67, Nr. 1 - 2, p. iv-v. ISSN 0235-7208, eISSN 1822-8836.
Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Dovydaitis V., Kėželis R. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Baltušnikas A. [LEI], Iljinas A., Gecevičius G., Čapas V.. Formation of Graphite-Copper/N-Silicon Schottky Photovoltaic Diodes Using Different Plasma Technologies In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 14, Iss. 21, 6896, p. 1-14. ISSN 1996-1073.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Stirkė A., Jonynaitė K., Aikas M. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Šuopys A., Dalmantaitė G., Uscila R. [LEI]. Treatment of Chlorella vulgaris by gliding arc discharge plasma In: 19th international conference on plasma physics and applications (CPPA 2021), August 31 – September 3, 2021, Magurele, Bucharest, Romania: book of abstracts / edited by: Silviu-Daniel Stoica, Bogdana Mitu, Gheorghe Dinescu. Bucharest: INFLPR, 2021, PW-05, p. 131-131. ISSN 2344-0481.
Praščiūtė D., Kazlauskas S., Kavaliauskas Ž., Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI]. Electrical parameter monitoring system for supercapacitors In: The 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2021) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2021, p. 587-593. ISSN 1822-7554.
Uscila R. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI]. Thermal plasma treatment of hazardous waste (review) In: The 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2021) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2021, p. 530-537. ISSN 1822-7554.
Šuopys A. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI]. Influence of plasma flow on the velocity of feedstock powder during plasma spray In: The 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2021) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2021, p. 525-529. ISSN 1822-7554.
Aikas M. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI]. Review on solid waste utilization in thermal plasma environment In: The 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2021) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2021, p. 502-514. ISSN 1822-7554.
Bastakys L., Grigaliūnas M., Marcinauskas L., Kėželis R. [LEI], Matkovič S., Aikas M. [LEI]. Tribological properties of chromia and chromia composite coatings deposited by plasma spraying In: 19th international conference on plasma physics and applications (CPPA 2021), August 31 – September 3, 2021, Magurele, Bucharest, Romania: book of abstracts / edited by: Silviu-Daniel Stoica, Bogdana Mitu, Gheorghe Dinescu. Bucharest : INFLPR, 2021, P3-06, p. 84. ISSN 2344-0481.
Mathew J. Sh., Marcinauskas L., Kalin M., Kėželis R. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Gecevičius G., Čapas V.. Improvement of the Tribological Properties of Alumina Coatings by Zirconia Addition In: Coatings. Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 11(8), 991, p. 1-14. ISSN 2079-6412.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Urbonas R. [LEI], Mergner R., Ball I., Janssen R., Rutz D., Pažėraitė A. [LEI], Genys D., Fendt S., Bastek S., Seemann M.. Twinning For Promoting Excellence, Ability and Knowledge to Develop Advanced Waste Gasification Solutions In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Florence: EUBIA-European Biomass Industry Association, 2021, p. 1396-1399. Scopus. ISSN 2282-5819, eISSN 978-88-89407-21-9.
Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Baltušnikas A. [LEI], Žunda A.. Influence of different plasma spraying methods on the physical properties of YSZ coatings In: Surfaces and Interfaces . Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, Vol. 24, 101120, p. 1-12. ISSN 2468-0230.


Šuopys A., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Griškonis E., Kėželis R. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI]. Microstructure and Corrosion Properties of Plasma Sprayed Al2O3 and Al2O3-TiO2 Coatings In: NBCM 2020: international conference on nanostructured bioceramic materials, 1-3 December 2020, Vilnius, Vilnius University: conference book. Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas, 2020, 73, p. 1-1. ISBN 978-609-07-0557-5.
Bastakys L., Mathew J.S., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Structural and Tribological Properties of Ceramic Coatings Deposited by Plasma Spraying In: NBCM 2020: international conference on nanostructured bioceramic materials, 1-3 December 2020, Vilnius, Vilnius University: conference book. Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas, 2020, 20, p. 1-1. ISBN 978-609-07-0557-5.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Paulauskas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI], Skvorčinskienė R. [LEI]. Tail biogas flame stabilization by assistance of thermal plasma reformer In: 12th European conference on industrial furnaces and boilers Infub-12 Online/Live, 10th-11th Nowember Porto, Portugalija“. Porto: 2020, p. 1-5. ISBN 978-972-99309-7-3.
Marcinauskas L., Milieška M. [LEI], Mathew J.S., Dovydaitis V., Kėželis R. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI]. Tribological properties of plasma sprayed alumina, alumina-titania and alumina-zirconia coatings In: Acta physica Polonica A, Special issue of the international conference on research and applications of plasmas (PLASMA-2019), Opole, Poland, July 15–19, 2019. Warszawa: Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, Vol. 138, No. 4, p. 656-661. ISSN 0587-4246, eISSN 1898-794X.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Waste Glycerol Conversion to Synthesis Gas in Pure Thermal Water Vapor Plasma In: Book of abstracts 15th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2020, SDEWES2020.0250, p. 128..
Valinčius V. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Valatkevičius P. [LEI]. The investigation of an electric arc in a plasma chemical reactor for hazardous waste treatment In: Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. Hoboken: SCI, 2020, Vol. 95, p. 450-456. ISSN 0268-2575, eISSN 1097-4660.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI]. Treatment of diesel-contaminated soil using thermal water vapor arc plasma In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Heidelberg: Springer, 2020, Vol. 27, p. 43-54. ISSN 0944-1344, eISSN 1614-7499.
Jeguirim M., Goddard M.-L., Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Berrich-Betouche E., Azzaz A. A., Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Jellali S.. Olive mill wastewater: From a pollutant to green fuels, agricultural water source and bio-fertilizer. Biofuel production In: Renewable Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 149, p. 716-724. ISSN 0960-1481.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Mathew J. Sh., Milieška M. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Kalin M.. Effect of graphite concentration on the tribological performance of alumina coatings In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 827, 154135, p. 1-8. ISSN 0925-8388.
Lazauskas A., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Andrulevičius M.. Modification of Graphene Oxide/V2O5·nH2O Nanocomposite Films via Direct Laser Irradiation In: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. WASHINGTON: American Chemical Society, 2020, Vol. 12, Iss. 16, p. 18877-18884. ISSN 1944-8244, eISSN 1944-8252.
Kalyk F., Stankevičiūtė A., Budrytė G., Gaidamavičienė G., Žalga A., Kriūkienė R. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Leszczynska M., Abakevičienė B.. Comparative study of samarium-doped ceria nanopowders synthesized by various chemical synthesis routes In: Ceramics International . Oxford: Elsevier, 2020, Vol. 46, Iss. 15, p. 24385-24394. ISSN 0272-8842, eISSN 1873-3956.


Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI]. Thermal arc plasma gasification of waste glycerol to syngas In: Applied Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2019, Vol. 251, 113306, p. 1-8. ISSN 0306-2619.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Eimontas J. [LEI]. Gasification of Waste Cooking Oil to Syngas by Thermal Arc Plasma In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 13, p. 1-3. ISSN 1996-1073.
Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Baltušnikas A. [LEI], Žunda A.. Effect of copper content on the properties of graphite-copper composites formed using the plasma spray process In: Surface & Coatings Technology. Elsevier, 2019, Vol. 364, p. 398-405. ISSN 0257-8972.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Meilutytė-Lukauskienė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Samosionokas J.. Remediation of organochlorine pesticides contaminated soil using thermal plasma In: Energetika. Vilnius: Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2019, Vol. 65, No. 2-3, p. 122-130. ISSN 0235-7208.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Jeguirim M.. 6 – Char gasification In: Char and Carbon Materials Derived from Biomass. Netherlands: Elsevier, 2019, p. 187-228. ISBN 978-0-12-814893-8.


Striūgas N. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Poškas R. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Sewage sludge gasification with plasma processing In: Conference proceedings 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology . Toulouse, France: REGATEC, 2018, p. 129-130. ISBN 978-91-981149-4-2.
Lazauskas A., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Andrulevičius M.. Photothermal reduction of thick graphene oxide multilayer films via direct laser writing: Morphology, structural and chemical properties In: Superlattices and microstructures. London, England: Elsevier, 2018, Vol. 122, p. 36-45. ISSN 0749-6036, eISSN 1096-3677.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Tučkutė S. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI]. The use of thermal water vapor arc plasma as an oily soil remediation technique In: Presented at 2nd International Research Conference on Sustainable Energy, Engineering, Materials and Environment, Mieres, Spain, 25-27 July 2018.. Oviedo, Spain: MDPI, 2018, p. 1-4. ISBN 978-84-17238-93-3.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Mathew J.S., Milieška M. [LEI], Thanigachalam B., Kupec A., Česnavičius R., Kėželis R. [LEI], Kalin M.. Microstructure and tribological properties of plasma sprayed alumina and alumina-graphite coatings In: Surface & Coatings Technology . Lausanne, Switzerland: Elsevier, 2018, Vol. 350, p. 401-409. ISSN 0257-8972.
Zhovtyansky V., Valinčius V. [LEI]. Efficiency of Plasma Gasification Technologies for Hazardous Waste Treatment In: Gasification for Low-grade Feedstock (Selection of our books indexed in the Book Citation Index in Web of Science™ Core Collection (BKCI)). United Kingdom: IntechOpen, 2018, Chapter 9, p. 165-189. ISBN 978-1-78923-289-9.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI]. A comparative study on syngas production from crude glycerol by utilizing DC arc plasma In: 6th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management 13-16 June 2018. Greece: 2018, p. 1-10..
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI]. Gasification of glycerol into syngas (H2+CO) by thermal air plasma In: 16th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE-2018) 9-11 May 2018 . Famagusta, N. Cyprus: 2018, p. 1-7..
Mathew J.S., Marcinauskas L., Thanigachalam B., Česnavičius R., Milieška M. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Kupec A., Kalin M.. The tribological properties of Al2O3 based composite coatings deposited by plasma spraying In: The 15th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (CYSENI 2018) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 23-25, 2018. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2018, p. 425-434. ISSN 1822-7554.
Šuopys A., Grigaitienė V. [LEI]. The review of plasma spray parameters effect on the structure of the coatings In: The 15th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (CYSENI 2018) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 23-25, 2018. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2018, p. 304-312. ISSN 1822-7554.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Samosionokas J.. The use of thermal plasma for the treatment of soil contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons In: The 15th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (CYSENI 2018) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 23-25, 2018. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2018, p. 286-292. ISSN 1822-7554.
Milieška M. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI]. he preparation and analysis of ceramic fibers with deposited catalytic particles by plasma technology In: International Conferences on Research and Applications of Plasmas. PLASMA-2017. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. . Poland, Varšawa: IOP, 2018, Vol. 959, p. 1-5..
Poškas R. [LEI], Sirvydas A. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI], Jouhara H., Striūgas N. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Investigation of warm gas clean-up of biofuel flue and producer gas using electrostatic precipitator In: Energy. Oxfordas: Elsevier, 2018, Vol. 143, p. 943-949. ISSN 0360-5442.
Poškas R. [LEI], Sirvydas A. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI], Jouhara H., Striūgas N. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Investigation of warm gas clean-up of biofuel flue and producer gas using electrostatic precipitator In: Energy. 2018, Vol. 143, p. 943-949. ISSN 0360-5442.


Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Baltušnikas A. [LEI]. Effect of carbon powder thermal activation on characteristics of supercapacitor electrodes In: Journal of Electrostatics. 2017, Vol. 90, p. 61-66. ISSN 0304-3886.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Valatkevičius P. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Jeguirim M.. Glycerol steam reforming for hydrogen and synthesis gas production In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017, Vol. 42, p. 12896-12904. ISSN 0360-3199.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Chouchene A., Valatkevičius P. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Ghorbei M., Jeguirim M.. The Potential of Thermal Plasma Gasification of Olive Pomace Charcoal In: Energies. 2017, Vol. 10, Iss. 5, p. 1-9. ISSN 1996-1073.
Poškas R. [LEI], Sirvydas A. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Investigation of the biofuel flue and producer gases cleaning efficiency using ESP In: E3S Web of Conferences. 7 November 2017. Didžioji Britanija . EDP Sciences, 2017, Vol.22, p. 1-7..
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Valatkevičius P. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI]. Energy recovery from waste glycerol by utilizing thermal water vapor plasma In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017, Vol. 24, Iss. 11, p. 10030-10040. ISSN 0944-1344.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Černauskas M., Milieška M. [LEI], Reso D.. The effect of hydrogen addition in argon-acetylene plasma on the structure of amorphous carbon films In: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2017, Vol. 466-467, p. 1-7. ISSN 0022-3093.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Poškas R. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Investigation of sewage sludge treatment using air plasma assisted gasification In: Waste Management. 2017, Vol. 64, p. 149-160. ISSN 0956-053X.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Žunda A., Milieška M. [LEI]. Effect of Powder Type on Structure and Properties of Carbon Based Coatings In: Romanian Journal of Physics. 2017, Vol. 62, No. 5-6, p. 1-13. ISSN 1221-146X.
Šuopys A., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI], Rodrigues J.. The effect of heat treatment on the structure of alumina coatings In: The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 245-253. ISSN 1822-7554.
Dovydaitis V., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Černauskas M., Milieška M. [LEI], Aikas M. [LEI]. Investigation of argon-acetylene plasma using optical emission spectrometry In: The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 261-268. ISSN 1822-7554.
Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI], Valatkevičius P. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated soil using water vapor plasma In: The 14th International Conference of Young Scientists on energy Issues (CYSENI 2017), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2017. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2017, p. 233-238. ISSN 1822-7554.


Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Valatkevičius P. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. The influence of gas type on the plasma torch electrical and thermal characteristics In: 13th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2016), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 26–27, 2016. Kaunas: LEI, 2016. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2016, p. 251-259. ISSN 1822-7554.
Aikas M. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Uscila R. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI]. Mineralinio pluošto gamybos iš stiklo juostų, taikant plazminę technologiją, proceso vizualizacija In: Šilumos energetika ir technologijos-2016: konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2016 sausio 28-29. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2016, p. 140-145. ISSN 2335-2485.
Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Marcinauskas L. [LEI]. The effect of reduced pressure acetylene plasma treatment on physical characteristics of carbon electrodes In: Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering And Science . Indija: Research Inventy, 2016, Vol. 6, Iss. 10, p. 1-5. ISSN 2319-6483. (e) 2278-4721.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Jeguirim M., Valatkevičius P. [LEI], Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Hydrogen and synthesis gas production from glycerol by utilizing thermal water vapor plasma In: 7th International Renewable Energy Congress „IREC 2016“ Hammamet-Tunisia March 22nd-24th 2016. Tunisas: IREC, 2016, p. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-4673-9768-1.
Prasauskas T., Matulevičius J., Kliučininkas L., Krugly E., Valinčius V. [LEI], Martuzevičius D.. Filter media properties of mineral fibres produced by plasma spray In: Environmental Technology. Didžioji Britanija: Taylor & Francis Group, 2016, Vol. 37, Iss. 11, p. 1315-1324. ISSN 0959-3330.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI]. Effect of torch power on the microstructure of plasma sprayed Al2O3 coatings In: Surface and interface analysis . Didžioji Britanija: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 2016, Vol. 48, Iss. 7, p. 552-555. ISSN 0142-2421.
Černauskas M., Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Zabels R.. Synthesis of nanostructured amorphous carbon-copper composite films by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition In: Thin solid films. Nyderlandai: Elsevier, 2016, Vol. 615, p. 195-201. ISSN 0040-6090.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Valatkevičius P. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. A cleaner production of synthesis gas from glycerol using thermal water steam plasma In: Journal of Cleaner Production. Didžioji Britanija: Elsevier, 2016, Vol. 130, p. 187-194. ISSN 0959-6526.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Valatkevičius P. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Levinskas R. [LEI]. Biomass conversion to hydrogen-rich synthesis fuels using water steam plasma In: Comptes Rendus Chimie. Prancūzija, Paryžius: Elsevier, 2016, Vol. 19, p. 433-440. ISSN 1631-0748.


Gimžauskaitė D. [LEI], Pranevičius L. L. [LEI]. Phase-structural transformations and elemental composition analysis in the TiOx films exposed in water vapour plasma In: 12th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2015), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 27–28, 2015. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2015, p. 1-10. ISSN 1822-7554.
Astašauskas V., Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI]. Experimental investigation of catalytic fibers produced by plasma spraying method In: 12th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2015), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 27–28, 2015. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2015, p. 329-336. ISSN 1822-7554.
Striūgas N. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Poškas R. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Development of innovative thermal decomposition technology and its application for utilization of sewage sludge In: 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (Session 2CO.2.3) . Vienna: 2015, p. 546-549. ISBN 978-88-89407-516.
Marcinauskas L. [LEI], Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI]. Formation of carbon composite coatings by plasma spraying In: Vacuum . Elsevier, 2015, Vol. 122, Part. B, p. 326-331. ISSN 0042-207X.
Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Valatkevičius P. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Levinskas R. [LEI]. Biomass conversion to hydrogen-rich synthesis fuels using water steam plasma In: The sixth international renewable energy congress. Sousse-Tunisia: Tunisas, 2015, p. 1-7..
Padgurskas J., Žunda A., Rukuiža R., Andriušis A., Kėželis R. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI]. Tribological performance of piezoelectric drive with rotor covered with YSZ and AL2O3 ceramic coatings In: Journal of friction and wear. Ner York: Springer, 2015, Vol. 36, No. 4, p. 355-362. ISSN 1068-3666.
Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Stravinskas G. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI]. The investigation of solid slag obtained by neutralization of sewage sludge In: Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. Philadelphia: Taylor&Francis, 2015, Vol. 65, Iss. 11, p. 1292-1296. ISSN 1096-2247.
Kavaliauskas Ž. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Milieška M. [LEI]. The investigation of neutralization process of gas-phase sewage sludge using thermal plasma method In: Journal of Electrostatics . 2015, Vol. 75, p. 99-103. ISSN 0304-3886.


Kėželis R. [LEI], Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Levinskas R. [LEI], Brinkienė K. [LEI]. The employment of a high density plasma jet for the investigation of thermal protection materials In: Physica scripta. 2014, Vol. 2014, No. T161, Article ID: 014069, ISSN 0031-8949, eISSN 1402-4896.


Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Striūgas N. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI], Zakarauskas K. [LEI]. Improving syngas production from glycerol using plasma sprayed catalytic coatings In: Catalysis today. 2012, Vol. 196, No. 1, p. 75-80. ISSN 0920-5861.


Grigaitienė V. [LEI], Snapkauskienė V. [LEI], Valatkevičius P. [LEI], Tamošiūnas A. [LEI], Valinčius V. [LEI]. Water vapor plasma technology for biomass conversion to synthetic gas In: Catalysis today. 2011, Vol. 167, No. 1, p. 135-140. ISSN 0920-5861.


Brinkienė K. [LEI], Kėželis R. [LEI], Mėčius V. [LEI], Čėsnienė J. [LEI]. Nanostructured bioceramic coatings obtained by plasma spray technique In: European cells and materials. 2010, Vol. 20, No. 3, p. 289. ISSN 1473-2262.


International projects

Horizon Europe


The ResMe2E project aims to revolutionize small-scale green energy production by developing systems for generating green methanol from biogenic residues and converting this synthetic More


Europe is the world leader in glass making, a highly energy-intensive industry that emits high amounts of CO2. The past century has seen improvements in the production process, but thMore

Horizon 2020


Twinning for Promoting Excellence, Ability and Knowledge to develop advanced waste gasification Solutions (TWIN-PEAKS). The Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and Vytautas Magnus UnMore

Nordic Energy Research Programme (NERP)

Nordic Energy Research logo thumbnail image

The increasing consumerism leads to rising amounts of plastic waste, and it is estimated that 6.3 billion tons of this waste were generated globally up to 2018. Plastic waste is a higMore


Coastal Biogas logo

The COASTAL Biogas project objective is to provide solutions based on anaerobic digestion of cast seaweed to coastal regions to tackle eutrophication, contribute to the transition to More


The pollution control is a transnational request of all countries and a strategic aim of the European Union. This is also reflected in the increasing tightening of the exhaust emissioMore



The main aim of this Ocean Tribology Center (OTC) COST Action is to create a pan-European-wide network of countries with a strong offshore affiliation for promoting collaboration and More

COST actions logo

Plasmas generated in liquids and gas discharges interacting with liquids are today hot topic greatly interesting plasma physicists and plasma chemists due to the broad field of potentMore

COST actions logo

Bubbles and drops are entities of enormous practical interest since their interfaces are met in numerous industrial processes and applications of every day life. In order to enhance eMore

COST actions logo

The main objective of the Action is to generate a synergistic approach for utilisation of biomass for sustainable fuels & chemicals through cooperation between scientists from difMore

COST actions logo

The main objective of the Action is to increase our knowledge and understanding of the properties of oxide surfaces and interfaces at an atomistic level and to develop the means of prMore

COST actions logo

The Action generated new scientific knowledge about the fundamental physical, chemical and mechanical phenomena governing friction, wear and lubrication. This knowledge was used to deMore

COST actions logo

The Action aimed to increase the knowledge of environmental impacts of manufacturing processes in order to develop and implement environmentally conscious processes, reduce environmenMore

COST actions logo

The Action studied the plasma polymerisation process in relation to the desired physical and chemical properties of resulting plasma polymers with special regard to the understanding More



The aim of this work is the investigation of ceramic fibre forming ability from the Si, Mg, Ca and Al oxide system employing plasma technology, the realisation of fibre synthesis procMore

Other international projects

Lietuvos mokslo taryba

Investigation of plasma-induced effects in efficient energy waste processing technologies for hydrogen extraction   Project ID (LMT): P-LUP-22-66 Coordinator: Lietuvos eMore

Projects in Lithuania

EU Structural Funds

2014-2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania logo

Lietuvos energetikos institutas įgyvendina projektą „Kompetencijos centro MTEP veiklų vykdymas, sukuriant ir išbandant inovatyvų dujinių biodegalų gamybos prototipą“ Nr. 01.2.2-CPMore

ES fondų investicijos 2014-2020 m.

On 7 February 2018, the Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and the public institution Central Project Management Agency (CPVA) signed a contract for the implementation of the projeMore

2013.09.02 - 2015.05.31

Research Council of Lithuania projects

Lietuvos mokslo taryba

The ultimate need for the development of the innovative agricultural technologies is driven by the challenges to feed a growing world population in asustainable way. In this respect, More

2014-2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania logo

Lietuvos energetikos institutas įgyvendina projektą „Plazmocheminis reaktorius pavojingų atliekų apdorojimui: sukūrimas, gamyba, tyrimas ir pritaikymas“ Nr. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718 finansuojMore

2014-2020 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania logo

Lietuvos energetikos institutas įgyvendina projektą „Inovatyvios biometano gamybos technologijos sukūrimas taikant katalitinės termocheminės konversijos metodą“ Nr. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-0More


Name, surname Position Office phone. e-mail
Liutauras Marcinauskas Head (Chief Research Associate) 116-LK +37037401900
Mindaugas Aikas Acting Research associate 06-LK +37037401867
Dovilė Gimžauskaitė Senior Research Associate 110-LK +37037401866
Viktorija Grigaitienė Chief Research Associate 113-LK +37037401898
Žydrūnas Kavaliauskas Senior research associate 109-LK +37037401895
Romualdas Kėželis Senior research associate 108-LK +37037401894
Zulfiqar Khalil PhD Student 109-LK +37037401895
Ieva Kiminaitė PhD student + Junior Research Associate 109-LK +37037401895
Jūratė Kryžienė Administrator 115-LK +37037401899
Mindaugas Milieška Senior research associate 109-LK +37037401895
Vilma Snapkauskienė Senior research associate 113-LK +37037401898
Andrius Tamošiūnas Chief research associate 204-AK +37037401999
Rolandas Uscila Junior Research Associate 112-LK +37037401901
Vitas Valinčius Chief Research Associate 114-LK +37037401896


Formation of catalytic and tribological coatings in the plasma environment
Coatings formation on metal, ceramic, etc. substrates, using the materials required by the customer, gas, maintaining the required plasma flow temperature, velocity and other conditions.
Treatment, melting, fibre formation of various materials, using plasma, high temperature gas environment
Modification, decomposition, melting, fibrillation, gasification of various materials in plasma flow.
Plasma and high temperature gas flow diagnostics
Design and manufacture of various gas-plasma generating installations, determination of characteristics of high-temperature gas and plasma flows.
Resistance tests of high-temperature resistant materials
Testing of various materials in the high temperature (air, nitrogen, hydrogen, argon propane, etc.) gas flow.
Optical research of processes using high-speed camera
Filming of various rapid processes using high-speed optical camera, analysis of results.
Inorganic and organic material composition analysis by infrared spectrometer
Determination and analysis of the chemical composition of different materials by infrared spectrometer in wavelength range of 375-7500 cm-1.
Vibration suppression performing precise measurements
Suppress any mechanical vibrations during work.
Precise positioning of objects in directions of X, Y, Z axis
Precise positioning (error up to 0,31 μm) of samples, thermocouples, lasers or other objects weighted up to 3 kg in X, Y, Z axis directions. Maximum travel speed 10 mm/s.
Gas composition analysis: determination of H2, CO, CO2, SO2, NOx, O2, CxHy concentrations
Exhaust gas flow rate 20-100 l/min; temperature up to 1700 oC; possibility to measure gas composition and temperature continuously for up to 8 hours in a day. NDIR (non-dispersive infrared) technology is used. Analyzed gas limits: CO – 0-100%, CO2 – 0-50%, CxHy – 0-30,000 ppm, SO2 – 0-5000 ppm, O2 – 0-25%, NO – 0-4000 ppm, NO2 – 0-1000 ppm. Continuous direct measurement of hydrogen gas concentration and temperature. Hydrogen concentration limits 0-100% vol.