Bioenergy retrofit of facilities for heat and power production (BIORET)

Projekto programa
Vykdymo laikotarpis
2021.09.01 - 2023.06.30
Projekto statusas
Projekto lentelė
DB nuoroda

The BIORET project is about sustainable heat and electricity production in the Baltic Sea region. It will focus on the creation of a transnational network for knowledge and experience exchange.

The overall objective for the initiative (Bioenergy retrofit of facilities for heat and power production) is to create a network by transnational cooperation for knowledge – and experience exchange for bioenergy retrofit actions to accelerate the transition to sustainable heat and electricity production. The initiative contributes to actions in the policy areas of Bioeconomy and Energy. Actions in the project will create a solid base for further collaboration between partners and actors in the regions/countries. Dissemination of good practices will further foster the interest for the network also from actors not directly involved in the core activities. Industries with potential for implementation of bioenergy retrofit actions are identified and the most promising are selected to get techno-economic assessments. These reports are further presented and discussed in the exchange visits to the sites for these industries. The mix of partners secure a qualified validation of the possibilities for retrofit of the facilities at the selected industries.

Akronimas: BIORET

Koordinatorius: Energikontor Sydost AB (Švedija)


  • Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych im. Roberta Szewalskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
  • Lietuvos energetikos institutas

Projektą finansuoja: Švedijos instituto pradinio finansavimo bendradarbiavimo projektams Baltijos jūros regione fondas

Projekto vykdytojai

Vardas, pavardė kabinetas tel. nr. el. paštas

Instituto atstovas
Nerijus Pedišius 204/1-LK +37037401863

Projekto vykdytojai
Rimantas Bakas 114-AK +37037401930
Eugenija Farida Dzenajavičienė 207-LK +37037401935