The main objective of the Action is to develop materials for improved wear resistance of artificial joints and novel low wearing designs. For this purpose, the biotribology of materials in artificial hip and knee joints, the mechanisms of lubrication and wear, the methods of in vitro simulation and testing, and the resulting biocompatibility and biological reactions to the wear products will be investigated in order to contribute to the standradising of in vitro simulation and testing. This development will furthermore result in reduced wear particles, lower adverse biological reactions and longer lifetimes of artifical joints and natural joints.
Koordinatorius: Leeds universitetas, Didžioji Britanija
Projekto vykdytojai
Vardas, pavardė | kabinetas | tel. nr. | el. paštas |
Instituto atstovas |
Romualdas Kėželis | 108-LK | +37037401894 | Romualdas.Kezelis@lei.lt |
Projekto vykdytojai |
Kristina Brinkienė |