Policy development for improving RES-H/C penetration in European Member States (RES-H POLICY)

Projekto programa
Vykdymo laikotarpis
2008.10.01 - 2011.03.31
Projekto statusas
Projekto lentelė
Projekto svetainė

The RES-H Policy project will assist Member States in preparing for the implementation of the forthcoming Directive on Renewables as far as aspects related to renewable heating and cooling (RES-H/C) are concerned. Member State governments will be supported in setting up national sector specific 2020/2030 RES-H/C targets. Moreover the project will initiate participatory national policy processes in which selected policy options to support RES-H/C will be qualitatively and quantitatively assessed. This will result in tailor made policy recommendations as to how to best design a support framework for increased RES-H/C penetration in the national heating and cooling markets of seven target countries/regions (namely Austria, Greece, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom). On the European level an assessment of options for coordinating and harmonising national policy approaches will result in common design criteria for a general EU framework for RES-H/C policies and an overview of costs and benefits of different harmonised strategies.


  • Proposals for 2020/2030 sector specific RES-H/C targets for seven selected Member States as required by the forthcoming Directive on Renewables.
  • Tailored recommendations for the development of national RES-H/C support policies including a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of these policies.
  • Strategies how to best implement the recommended instruments in the context of some specific national RES-H/C market framework conditions.
  • Options for coordinating or harmonising national policies to promote RES-H/C including a sound analysis of the costs and benefits of such policy strategies.

Bendra projekto vertė: 1 449 255 EUR

Koordinatorius: Oeko-Institut e.V. – Institute for Applied Ecology, Vokietija


  • Oeko-Institut e.V. – Institute for Applied Ecology, Vokietija
  • Vienna University of Technology (Technische Universitaet Wien), Austrija
  • Centre for Renewable Energy Sources, Graikija
  • Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lietuva
  • Energy research Centre of the Netherlands, Nyderlandai
  • University of Exeter, Jungtinė Karalystė
  • Lund University, Švedija
  • Polish National Energy Conservation Agency, Lenkija
  • O.Ö Energiesparverband, Austrija
  • Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research, Vokietija

Projekto vykdytojai

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Instituto atstovas
Ramūnas Gatautis 307-AK +37037401949 Ramunas.Gatautis@lei.lt