The European Commission opens public feedback on renewable energy and energy efficiency directives
The European Commission is inviting citizens and stakeholders to comment on the Roadmaps on the Renewable Energy Directive and on the Energy Efficiency Directive for a seven-week period.
One of the aims of the European Green Deal is to increase the EU’s climate ambition so that greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by at least 50% and towards 55% in a responsible way by 2030.
The European Green Deal communication has identified a series of climate, energy and environmental legislation that needs to be reviewed and if necessary revised in order to achieve such increased ambition. Both the Renewable Energy Directive (2018/2001/EU) and the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU and 2018/2002/EU) are among the instruments to be assessed.
On 3rd August, the European Commission took the first step in the review process of both directives, by inviting citizens and stakeholders to comment on two Roadmaps.
The Roadmap (click to give feedback) on the Renewable Energy Directive will assess whether the EU renewable energy target of at least 32% for 2030 should be raised and whether other parts of the Directive require an adjustment in line with the Green Deal. The Roadmap (click to give feedback) on the Energy Efficiency Directive will evaluate the adequacy of the rules in place to deliver the existing energy efficiency target of at least 32.5% for 2030.
The two Roadmaps are open to responses until 21 September.
The next phase in the review of these Directives will be an open public consultation later in the year.
Original sources:
– Delivering the European Green Deal: Commission consults on review of renewable energy and energy efficiency directives: click here
– Review of renewables and energy efficiency directives – Commission launches first steps in process: click here