A policy workshop and a technical workshop on Energy System Integration near Copenhagen 24-25th of May
Policy workshop: How to get to a 100% renewable energy system? Developing the flexibility we need by integrating energy systems
Date and timing: 12:30-17:45, Thursday 24 May 2018
Location: UNEP – UN City, Marmorvej 51, 2100 Copenhagen
Registration: This workshop is open, but registration is required via this link or directly via https://goo.gl/forms/vCnovlXexNPziP5X2
The Energy Systems Integration (ESI) Programme of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA), the Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG) and the Centre for IT-Intelligent Energy Systems (CITIES) are organizing a workshop on the role of energy systems integration in absorbing large volumes of variable renewable energy sources in Copenhagen in the afternoon of May 24, 2018. The workshop, at which energy sector representatives and academics will exchange ideas, is organized alongside the Clean Energy Ministerial and the Nordic Clean Energy Week.
The workshop program will contain four key note speakers and four panelists who are active in the energy sector from industry, academy and policy makers. Each key note speaker will be followed by a discussant from EERA. We would like to invite you to join this workshop and exchange ideas on “How to get to a 100% renewable energy system”.
Before this event you can attend the session: „Mission Innovation Challenges accepted – what’s next?” at EERA/DTU.
To read more about this session or to register: please follow this link.
Technical Workshop: The next generation energy system models
Date and timing: 8:30-13:10, Friday 25th May 2018 Location: DTU, Lungby
Organizers: EERA ESI JP and EU project Spine
Registration: This workshop is open, but registration is required via https://goo.gl/forms/YF1hKrXv1nkMjJTu2
EERA ESI in collaboration with the EU project Spine will organize a workshop discussing the next generation of energy system models. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the EERA ESI
policy workshop (held on the 24th of May) and the Clean Energy Ministerial meeting at Copenhagen. The workshop will be a series of discussions about potentially beneficial modelling capabilities in future energy system models. Each discussion topic will consist of a short intro by the chair, then a couple of addresses on the topic where each discussant introduces a solution with a rationale and finally questions and comments from the audience. Each address should last 5-15 minutes (depending on the number of addresses) with a maximum of 2 slides.
Call for addresses within the following topics within the scope of energy system modelling:
– temporal representation
– sectoral coupling: where to split, why and how
– practical solutions for linking models of different time scales
– representing operational detail in planning models: what is important and what is not
– data sources, data quality and data processing for other energy sectors than the power system
– how to model the impact of policies and regulations
– how to model both short term and long term uncertainties
Please register a title for your address(es) in the registration form (link above) before the 17th
of May. It is also ter to the workshop without an address.
Eveline Zeegers
Communications / Office Manager
TU Delft |Energy Initiative
Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft
T +31 (0)15 27 86594