R&I Solutions for Climate Neutral Cities and Regions: Israel & the Baltics Networking event


R&I Solutions for Climate Neutral Cities and Regions: Israel & the Baltics Networking event
The aim of the event is to foster international collaboration between research and higher education and research institutions, public sector institutions and business enterprises to meet the challenges caused by the changing climate and propose solutions for our cities and regions.

Event registration: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=zgrnY82qG0KoOIC3YWzxhK7m7JCV0y5Bt4ZRqpsC2BZURjBPQlU0Tzk5TFNCNjFLOE1IQ1pGOUZFSC4u

Participants will be given an opportunity to pitch their ideas and find partners for HE calls within 4 subtopics: Green Energy, Adaptation to Climate Change, Climate-neutral Cities (including New European Bauhaus) and Sustainable Mobility.

Upon registration all participants participants will be provided with a unified template for a 1 page presentation of an institution / research / project team, identifying fields of interests and potential calls. Presentations will be shared among participants.  Registration in open till 3 of June.

During the event, participants who informed about their intent to pitch will present their institution/project team and ideas (3 min. for pitch).  Due to limited event duration, institutions will be given opportunity to pitch on first come first served basis.  Please mark your intent to pitch in this form.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact by email: jolanta.revaitiene@lmt.lt or tel. +370 675 69663.